
jacket n.1.短上衣,外套。2.包書紙,護封;公文套;唱片套;...

jacket crisp

Without speaking, lord reached into his jacket for the envelope containing the money and handed it to redmond . 洛德什么話也沒說,伸手從衣兜里把裝著錢的信封拿了出來,遞給雷德蒙。

Usually he walked around threatening the sick men with a strait jacket which he always carried over his arm . 通常他總是轉來轉去,手臂上搭著一件拘束衣,對病員們虎視眈眈。

The jacket was beautifully cut and you could see at a glance that it had been made by a good tailor . 那件衣服裁剪得式樣美觀,你一眼就可看出是一個手藝高超的裁縫做的。

The peculiar little tan jacket with large mother-of-pearl buttons was all the rage that fall . 那件小巧的皮外套上,上面釘著螺鈿的大鈕扣,是那年秋天很時興的服裝。

One night, about eleven o'clock, a man of mr. riach's watch came below for his jacket . 一天晚上,約莫十一點鐘的時候,一個值班的雷契先生的手下人下來取他的外套。

Jackets and coats were flung aside; shirts thrown open at the neck, and rolled up to the shoulders . 外套和上衣都丟到了一邊,襯衫也都打開了領扣,退到了肩上。

She stopped near the major. slowly she unfastened the buttons of the jacket and removed it . 她在離少校不遠處停住腳步,緩緩地解開短外衣的扣子,把它脫了下來。

This invariance requirement has been a strait jacket on the free invention of scientists . 這個不變性要求,已經成了套在科學家的自由創造上的一件緊身衣。

George took off his jacket , rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover . 喬治脫下了茄克衫,卷起袖子。將右臂伸進陰溝蓋里。

Gus in his red jacket and patent-leather boots, whip in hand, stepped to the door of the cage . 葛斯穿著紅夾克,漆皮靴,手握長鞭,走到獸籠門前。

I happened to mention mr. priestley's old tweed jacket to a young american . 我偶爾對一個年輕的美國人提到過普里斯特科先生的那件舊的短上衣。

Lookouts and leadsmen in bulky life jackets stumbled and slipped after him . 監視哨和測深員穿著飽鼓鼓的救生衣,跌跌撞撞地跟在他后面。

He piled on a half-dozen jackets and several pairs of bearskin mittens . 他里三層,外三層,一共穿了六件夾克,還戴上幾副熊皮連指手套。

She soon found out that of all manly dresses a shooting jacket was the most becoming . 她很快發現:在所有的男式服裝中,獵裝最為合適。

He pulled a small piece of dark bread from one pocket of his short jacket . 他從短上衣的一個口袋里掏出一小塊黑面包。

Peter presented his hareskin jacket to his poorly-dressed rescuer . 彼得把自己的兔皮襖給了衣衫襤褸的救命恩人。

The jacket is torn . 上衣撕了。

But madman who sought war ought to be put in strait jackets . 但追求戰爭的狂人應該統統給他們穿上緊身衣。

The jacket of the vessel was connected to a circulating hot water source . 容器的夾套與循環熱水源相連。