
jackdaw n.1.【動物;動物學】穴鳥,寒鴉 (Corvus mo...


She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney - jackdaw , she made her nest of rags and jewels , was happy in the sunlight , squawked loudly at danger , pried and was insatiably curious , forgot when to eat or ate all day , and sang when sunsets were red 她遵照輕松的自然法則生活,熱愛世界、得過且過,對自然奇觀有敏銳、神奇的鑒賞力,但在生活中卻不能拾掇出整潔的家園。

An immense flock of jackdaws rose above the walls and swept round in the air with loud caws , and the whir of thousands of wings 圍墻上方驚起了一大群烏鴉,聒噪著,響亮地扇動著上千只翅膀,在空中盤旋。

Jackdaws gambol water chaozhou zheng pieces 寒鴉戲水潮州箏曲

O lord ! why , one can see the jackdaws “看呵,燒成了這樣,呵上帝!