
jackal n.1.【動物;動物學】胡狼。2.爪牙,走狗。3.騙子,...


The lion took it with care and caution , made his selections from it , and his remarks upon it , and the jackal assisted both 獅子小心翼翼地接過手來,再從其中挑挑揀揀,發表意見,然后豺狗又來幫忙。

Even jackals offer their breasts to nurse their young , but my people have become heartless like ostriches in the desert 3 [和合]野狗尚且把奶乳哺其子,我民的婦人倒成為殘忍,好象曠野的3鴕鳥一般。

Because of this i will weep and wail ; i will go about barefoot and naked . i will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl 8先知說,因此我必大聲哀號,赤腳露體而行。又要呼號如野狗,哀鳴如鴕鳥。

And babylon will become a mass of broken walls , a hole for jackals , a cause of wonder and surprise , without a living man in it 巴比倫必成為亂堆,為野狗的住處,令人驚駭,嗤笑,并且無人居住。

Even jackals offer their breasts to nurse their young , but my people have become heartless like ostriches in the desert 3野狗尚且把奶乳哺其子,我民的婦人倒成為殘忍,好像曠野的鴕鳥一般。

“ hazor will become a haunt of jackals , a desolate place forever . no one will live there ; no man will dwell in it . 33夏瑣必成為野狗的住處,永遠凄涼。必無人住在那里,也無人在其中寄居。

“ the wild donkeys stand on the bare heights ; they pant for air like jackals , their eyes fail for there is no vegetation 耶14 : 6野驢站在凈光的高處、喘氣好像野狗因為無草、眼目失明。

And babylon will become a heap of ruins , a habitation of jackals , an astonishment and a hissing , without inhabitant 37巴比倫必成為亂堆,為野狗的住處,令人驚駭、嗤笑,無人居住。

Babylon will be a heap of ruins , a haunt of jackals , an object of horror and scorn , a place where no one lives 37巴比倫必成為亂堆、為野狗的住處、令人驚駭、嗤笑、并且無人居住。

Soon there were seventeen jackals darting in and out to the kill , seizing scraps whenever the chance offered 很快就有17只豺抓住機會沖向獵物又迅速的跑了出來,搶到一些小塊碎肉。

The decree was so all encompassing that for a long time , the streets of delhi were inhabited by jackals and hyenas 旨令長期那么所有包含那,德里街道由jackals和鬣狗居住了。

Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights and pant like jackals ; their eyesight fails for lack of pasture . 6野驢站在凈光的高處、喘氣好像野狗因為無草、眼目失明。

Joan : maybe , but i couldn ' t work for you . you are too much of a jackal . i could never trust you 瓊:也許吧,可我不能為你工作。你太刁滑了,我永遠都不能信任你。

Oh ! in the imperial palace , weeds have grown all over , hungry jackals and wolves run wild in the battlefields 啊,宮闕長滿了野草,戰場上奔突著饑餓的豺狼。

At length the jackal had got together a compact repast for the lion , and proceeded to offer it to him 最后,豺狗終于給獅子準備好了一份結結實實的點心。

The press gets this , the jackals start a feeding frenzy , and she ' s dead . help me 新聞界一旦知道此事,那些流氓會暴怒她就死定了。幫幫我

“ the jackal walked this land long before the farmers arrived , “ i noted “胡狼早在這些農場主人前,就已經行走在這片土地上了。 ”我說。

The jackal said : “ because if you eat me , that will be the end of the world for me ! 狼回答:如果你吃了我,就是我的世界末日啊!

Chapter v the jackal 第五章豺狗