
jack 短語和例子jack1n.1.〔常 J-〕 杰克〔男子名,...

jack ass

Jack managed to pry away a large stone blocking the entrance . 杰克設法移開了堵住門口的大石頭。

Jack had become a faithless, homeless cynic . 杰克如今變得信仰全無,無家可歸,似乎看破了紅塵。

The king called to jack and told him that he had two brothers . 國王召見杰克,說他有兩個兄弟。

Jack and his mother went on living in the little cottage . 杰克和他的母親繼續住在小茅草屋里。

Jack says he goes stag every saturday night . 杰克說他每個星期六晚上都去跳舞,但是不帶女伴。

Jack ran up to the referee , sputtering protest ... 杰克跑到裁判跟前,唾沫飛濺地提出抗議。

Jack could not think what use a mouse would be to him . 杰克想不出一只耗子會對他有什么用。

Jack and ralph turned the shoulder of the mountain together . 杰克和拉爾夫一起翻過了山脊。

There was once an old soldier named jack hannaford . 從前,有個老兵,名叫杰克漢納福德。

Jack was nimble and made the best of what start he had . 杰克憑著身子靈巧,又先跑了一步。

It was a dull play but at that jack enjoyed it . 那是出枯燥無味的戲,可是杰克還真喜歡它。

“i ought to be chief,“ said jack with simple arrogance . “我該當頭兒,”杰克驕矜地說。

Now the absurd situation was open, jack blushed too . 尷尬的局面僵持著,杰克的臉也紅了。

Don't worry. he'll jack the whole thing up for us . 別擔心,他會替我們把一切都料理好的。

Jack clamoured among them, the conch forgotten . 杰克在他們當中鼓噪著,也不記得海螺了。

“that's an indefensible lie,“ brother jack said . “這是漏洞百出的謊言,”杰克兄弟說。

Jack is her only offspring . 杰克是她唯一的后代。

At last jack began to hanker after a little excitement . 后來,杰克又渴望找點兒刺激了。

Jack bore away several prizes . 杰克贏得好幾項獎。