
jacana n.【動物;動物學】水雉〔產于熱帶和亞熱帶〕。


Kuantien is easily accessible via provincial highway 1 , lungtien railway station or the sun yat - sen freeway , making travel to and from the town hassle - free . local tourist attractions include wushantou reservoir , the national tainan institute for the arts , artifacts from the prehistoric black pottery culture , the lungtien distillery , and the wildlife preserve for the endangered pheasant - tailed jacana . but the most indelible image of a visit is the sight of people rafting through the water caltrop ponds in tungchuang and hsichuang villages 四通八達的官田鄉有臺一省道鐵路縱貫縣隆田站中山高速公路貫穿其間,往返順暢,鄉內更有烏山頭水庫國立臺南藝術學院黑陶文化遺址隆田酒廠葫蘆埤水雉保護區等聞名的風景區,其中尤以東西莊地區的菱香舟影,名列新南瀛勝景之一。

As for the pheasant - tailed jacana , two have been seen in the reserve . we hope that this is also a pair and that they too , will nest and produce the next generation of jacana at mai po 米埔職員在保護區內發現兩只水雉的蹤影,我們希望它們亦是一雌一雄的配搭,這樣便有機會看到它們在保護區內筑巢繁殖。

Pheasant - tailed jacana and painted snipe found at mai po , work to improve water quality in the waterfowl collection , earth moving works at gei wai 16 17 , . . . 水雉及彩鷸在米埔保護區出現改善水禽飼養池水質的工程基圍16 17的推土工程. .

Pheasant - tailed jacana and painted snipe found at mai po nature reserve 水雉及彩鷸在米埔保護區出現