
jabber n.1.急促不清的話。2.無意義的話;莫名其妙的話。vi...


A couple of squirrels set on a limb and jabbered at me very friendly 枝頭有幾只松鼠,態度友好地對著我吱吱地叫著。

What is plan b ? - kirby jabbering B計劃是什么?

Recipient s jabber address 接收方的jabber地址。

The nickname doesn t necessarily have anything to do with the jabber username 昵稱不一定要和jabber用戶名有關

Things jabbering , arguing okay , enough 好的,夠了

The host name of the jabber server 服務器的主機名稱

[ things jabbering , arguing ] okay , enough 好的,夠了

Jabber peers communicate with each other through jabber servers Jabber對等點通過jabber服務器彼此通信。

To connect to a jabber server , 為了連接到jabber服務器,

The port number of the jabber server Jabber服務器的端口號

Research and implement of jabber instant messaging system based on agent 即時消息系統研究及其實現

Jabber provides explicit support for multiple client access Jabber對多客戶機訪問提供明確的支持。

A cause of annoyance ; a nuisance the plague of social jabbering 紛擾引起厭煩的原因,令人頭痛的事

Instant logging : harness the power of log4j with jabber 即時日志記錄:使用jabber增強log4j的功能

Application s jabber account password 應用程序的jabber帳戶密碼

“ stop jabbering , girls , and i ' ll tell you everything . “別鬧了,姑娘們。我統統都告訴你們。 ”

For example , the connection with a jabber server depends on the 例如,與jabber服務器的連接依賴

Application s jabber account username 應用程序的jabber帳戶用戶名

Jabber isn t just for desktop computers Jabber不只是用于臺式計算機。