
jab vt.(-bb-)1.刺,戳。2.捅;猛碰。短語和例子j...


Hernandez ' s trying to jab his way in , 赫爾南德斯試圖打出短直拳

Bond ) lasky walks through those jabs . . 拉絲克躲過那些重拳… …

Now you see what the hell i ' m telling you about your jab 現在你知道我跟你說了你的短直拳不行?

( bond ) lasky walks through those jabs . . 拉絲克躲過那些重拳… …

I want you to jab her right in the tits 我要你不停擊打她的胸部

No , but if you jab them with a fork , they feel 不,如果你用一把叉子戳他們,他們就會有感覺的

He neatly fended off a jab at his chest 他利落地擋開了當胸的一擊。

I want you to jab her right in the tits . . 我要你不停擊打她的胸部. .

And how to flex your knees when you fire a jab 出刺拳時如何彎曲膝蓋

Mrs . mai byin just jabbed at that rascal 那個美并太太就一直在亂劃拳

Next fight , first little nothing jab put him to sleep forever 下一場,輕輕一拳讓他長眠了

Tee hee : one way is to jab a pen right above it ' s eye 其中一個是用鉛筆插?們眼上的地方。

All right , stick that jab out there . hands up , hands up 好,用短直拳攻擊抬起手,抬起手

Hernandez applies pressure , now from behind the jab 赫爾南德斯繼續施壓不斷的打出短直拳

“ dagger jabs , claymore knocks , glass sword slays . 短劍戳人,重劍敲人,玻璃劍殺人。

Once is not enough . come on , again . - jab , jab 一拳不夠,快,再來一拳-短直拳,短直拳

Avoiding the counterpunch , jimmy sticks a jab 避開對攻,詹姆斯一計刺拳

Keep that jab in his face and keep sliding to his right 要用拳壓制他保持在他右邊晃動

Put the jab on him . you got to let him go and dance 對他用刺拳,然后離開他,不停閃躲