
j 短語和例子J, j(pl. J's, j's, Js, ...


The nobel prize in physics 1999 : martinus j . g 諾貝爾物理學獎-馬蒂諾斯維爾特曼

2 . perfected j judgement manner of illegal usage 2完善了對非法使用的判斷方式。

All i had was a $ 50 grimley and a j heri curl . - oh 身上的所有家當僅值50美元噢

Whenyvinnie entered j the room , mary cr m - med up 文尼已進入房間,瑪麗就閉嘴了。

J kind of flanged cast iron 0 . 5mpa stop check valves J類法蘭鑄鐵0 . 5mpa截止止回閥

We called him jay or j . g . it was iike a pet name 我們叫他杰伊或者j . g就像個昵稱

Modification of glue applicator in filter assembler y j 24接裝機供膠裝置的改造

You don ' t look anything like j . edgar hoover 你看上去哪兒都不像艾德加?胡佛探員

- all i had was a $ 50 grimley and a j heri curl . - oh 身上的所有家當僅值50美元噢

You can also learn how to install and configure xerces - j with 您還可以了解如何用

J ust wait . j ust wait . what do y , ou want , joel 你想要怎樣,約耳? -就等一會兒!

Hon ronald j . arculli , jp legislative councillor 夏佳理先生,太平紳士立法會議員

2 scott j . social network analysis : a handbook 合并法最早用于分析各種社會網絡。

J is for judge , judge not according to appearance J代表判斷,判斷不能依據外表。

< i > j < / i > ust accept it for what it is . nothing 只是接受事實的真相。這無關緊要

J : i see . how can i apply for the university (我明白。我如何申請這所學校呢? )

- it ' s not whatyou think . - j eff , i can see that -不是你想的那樣-杰夫,我看不出

Western footpath on ping ha road j o tin wah road 屏廈路與天華路交界之西面行人路

All i had was a 50 grimley and a j heri curl . - oh 身上的所有家當僅值50美元噢