
itch n.1.癢; 〔the itch〕 【醫學】疥癬。2.熱...

itch mite

Itching , hyperemia or swelling of the genital area , 外陰痕癢充血腫漲

So here we are , all of us just itching to remember 因此我們,我們所有人都是渴望去回憶。

Every now and then we get the itch to travel 有時,我們會渴望去旅游。

And soon you started itching with excitement 你有些激動了,心里癢癢的

Most skeeter bites just make you itch 大多數蚊子咬你只會讓你感到瘙癢。

Yeah , i ' m not even wearing it , and it ' s itching me 是啊,我沒有穿上它,它都弄得我很癢

Customer : yes , my arms , legs and neck itch 顧客:有,就是覺得胳膊、脖子和小腿比較癢。

Are you itching to build your own business and team 您渴望創建您自己的業務和團隊嗎?

But scientists did not know it was linked to itching 但是,并不知道它會與瘙癢有關。

I base my fashion taste on what doesn ' t itch 我的時裝品位,是以穿在身上不癢為原則。

But soon we ' ll be calling in for jock itch 我們會很快找人幫他看皮炎這個病

I was itching in eleven different places now 接著,我身上有十一處在發癢。

It makes me itch . - ciear off , get iost 那樣我就會發癢-滾開吧,趕快消失!

Could you separate them ? hurry , my backside itches 你能分開他們嗎?快. . .我的背癢

You ' re loaded for bear , and just itching to roar 你忍耐了很久,迫不及待地要爆發。

- it makes me itch . - ciear off , get iost -那樣我就會發癢-滾開吧,趕快消失!

A dog that is itching can be tested for allergies 發癢的狗可能被測試為過敏。

No , you don ' t have to . lf you see me itching 不,不必這么做.如果你看見我抓癢

In essence , cfperl was an itch i needed to scratch 其實, cfperl正是我想做的。