
italian adj.意大利的;意大利人的;意大利語的;意大利文化的。...

italian cloth

Most italians had had a stomachful of fighting and were looking for any good excuse to quit . 大部意大利士兵已無斗志,且正在找尋溜走的機會。

The bitterness and confusion of the italian scene were heightened in the new year . 意大利政局呈現的艱危和混亂狀態,在新的一年中更加嚴重了。

Not very far from naples, a strange city sleeps under the hot italian sun . 距那不勒斯不遠的地方,一座奇異的城市沉睡在意大利的炎炎烈日之下。

The austrian trenches were above on the hillside only a few yards from the italian lines . 奧軍的戰壕就挖在山坡上,距離意軍陣地只有數碼遠。

A series of italian views decked the walls; each of these was a specimen of true art . 墻上掛著一套意大利的風景畫;每張畫都是真正的藝術品。

It could by a gesture have turned back italian transports from the suez canal . 它只須擺開架勢,就可以使意大利的運輸船從蘇伊士運河退回去。

Evidence of unrest and dissatisfaction throughout the italian nation became more and more pronounced . 意國內部的不安與不滿,越來越明顯。

It is the best known and the best loved of all the fairy tales in italian literature . 它是意大利文學童話故事中最負盛名和膾炙人口的著作。

Yet another italian emissary, general zanossi, appeared on august 26 in lisbon . 還有一名意大利特使,扎努西將軍,于8月26日出現在里斯本。

Immediately upon the italian declaration of war, he put to sea in search of the enemy . 意大利一宣戰,他馬上就啟碇出海去追尋敵人。

You know the italian proverb, he who has a partner has a master . 你知道意大利有一句俗話,誰有了一個合伙人,誰就有了一個主人。

His addresses were repulsed by the italian dictator in the most abrupt manner . 他的演說被這位意大利獨載者極端粗暴地拒絕了。

He asserted that i had seen through the italian treachery before anybody else . 他斷言我是最先看穿意大利人背信棄義行徑的人。

He's done nothing but ruined you with his sneaking italian tricks . 他對于你一無好處,只是用他那鬼鬼祟祟的意大利手段毀了你。

Her feet were in the care of the lady's maid and the lady's italian page . 她的腳是由夫人的女傭人和夫人的意大利小廝照料看。

She shouted in italian at kessler although he paid no attention to her . 她操著意大利語對凱斯勒喊著,然而凱斯勒卻沒在意。

We do not support her threats to the italian people in the name of democracy . 我們不支持它以民主為借口去威嚇意大利人民。

Its composition and line remained him of an italian painting he knew well . 其構圖與線條使他想起一幅他熟悉的意大利油畫。

The only group that henry hadn't slandered in my presence were the italians . 享利在我面前唯一沒有詆毀過的人是意大利人。