
it n.〔英口〕意大利苦艾酒。


It is the lime that eats away his lungs . 是石灰把他的肺給侵蝕掉了。

Perhaps it was not too late to cure him . 也許現在挽救他還為時不晚。

Have the police nailed the man who did it ? 警方逮著作案的人了嗎?。

It would n't be wholesome for you to go there . 你去那兒恐怕不安全。

It was , of course , within my right to do so . 我當然有權利這樣做。

It may be possible to reconcile both objectives . 也許可能兼顧雙方。

There was no help for it but to yield again . 無計可施,只好讓步了。

It was the first eyebar suspension bridge . 它是第一座眼桿式懸索橋。

It was a live broadcast , not a recording . 那是實況轉播,不是錄音。

Attendant : when did you bring it to us ? 服務員:你什么時候送來的?

How can you reconcile it to your conscience ? 你這樣做,問心無愧嗎?

It seems that he is not quite himself today . 他今天好像不怎么舒服。

It is a judgment on you for getting up late ... 這是你睡懶覺的報應。

In a nutshell, it was not my cup of tea . 簡單地說,它不合我的胃口。

It must be very difficult at sea, too . 海上的日子想必也很不好過吧。

It was a neighbor he knew only socially . 這位鄰居跟他只是泛泛之交。

Let us pretend that it can be changed . 我們不防假設它是可以改變的。

Of course it concerns neither of them . 雙方自然都沒有把自己擺進去。

The girl looked at it with some disdain . 女孩露出輕蔑的樣子望著它。