
isthmus n.(pl. isthmuses)1.地峽,地頸,土腰。...


Methods : fifty paired embalmed cadaveric humeri ( twenty - five pairs : fourteen from male donors and eleven from female donors ) were scanned in medial - lateral ( ml ) and anterior - posterior ( ap ) position according to the humeral retroversion by ct . images of the humeri in the transverse planes at the lowest border of neck ( lbn ) , 20mm and 40mm distal of lbn ( lbn - 20 、 lbn - 40 ) , isthmus , head - neck anterior - posterior ( hn - ap ) were obtained . sixty - one extracortical and intracortical parameters were measured exactly by image analytic computer software that included offset , head position , head - shaft angle , head to tuberosity height ( ht ) , head thickness , curvature radius , articular surface arc ( sa ) , neck diameter , isthmus position , proximal and distal border of isthmus , maximum coronal and sagittal diameter of medullary canal and thickness of cortical bone in four planes , including lbn , lbn - 20 , lbn - 40 and isthmus 方法: 50根成對防腐肱骨(男14對,女11對)按肱骨頭扭轉角置于冠狀位和矢狀位,行肱骨全長,頭頸矢狀面,解剖頸下緣及其下20mm 、 40mm ,髓腔狹窄部四平面ct掃描,由ct軟件測量冠、矢狀位髓腔內外參數共61項,包括頭心?干軸距,頭位置,頭干角,頭?結節高度差,頭厚度,頭半徑,關節面張角,解剖頸直徑,髓腔狹窄部位置,解剖頸下緣及其下20mm 、 40mm和狹窄部四個平面髓腔的最大冠、矢狀徑,皮質骨厚度等。

Near the studied area , the fossil microtine show a sequence from the early pleistocene to the mid - late pleistocene : allophaiomys ( qi ) ? redromys ( q ) ? icrotus ( q2 - i ) - on their molars , the 5th dentine isthmus is5 show a closed trend from broad to narrow and made the salient angle tend to gradual increase . in the area , the 6th dentine isthmus is6 of the microtus show a trend from broad to narrow gradually 在研究區及其附近,更新世以來,田鼠類的演替順序為: allophaiomys ? ? predromys ? ? microtus ,其第5齒峽is5相應的由寬變窄,趨于封閉,使封閉的褶角趨于增多;研究區內microtusoeconomus的第6齒峽is6有逐步變小的趨勢。

With respect to their towns , later on , at an era of increased facilities of navigation and a greater supply of capital , we find the shores becoming the site of walled towns , and the isthmuses being occupied for the purposes of commerce and defence against a neighbour 懷著對家鄉的敬仰,之后,在一個航海術不斷成熟和首都補給不斷擴大的時期,我們發現海岸變成了有城墻城市中的一部分,占據地峽用來商業目的和抵御鄰居。

More than 30 gantries would guard entry points to a target area of about a quarter of the isthmus , about 50 more would be stationed at strategic points inside , and a further 10 mobile charging units would be rotated to prevent fee - dodging 這個所謂的“城區”覆蓋了克蘭峽灣的1 / 4的區域,將安裝30個入城高架掃描器、城內還將在重要位置再設50個,另外還有10個流動掃描裝置以防止有人逃避停車稅。

Macao consists of the macau peninsula , taipa island and coloane island . the macao peninsula is connected to the taipa island by three bridges , and the two islands are linked up by an artificial isthmus 澳門地區由澳門半島, ?仔和路環兩個離島組成。澳門半島與?仔之間由三條大橋連接, ?仔和路環之間則由路?連貫公路相連。

Yet john underhill of edinburgh university has found evidence that the isthmus is full of landslide rubble , which could have tumbled into a narrow sea channel during an earthquake 然而,愛丁堡大學的約翰?安德希爾發現證據顯示這個地峽布滿了山崩后的礫石,它們可以在發生地震時滾落到一個狹窄的海峽里。

At the extreme northern end of the peninsula , on a narrow isthmus , is the imposing gateway ( portas do cerco , or border gate ) , which leads to the zhuhai and zhongshan areas of china 而?仔島與路環則由一條2 . 2公里長的公路相連。在半島北端狹窄的地峽通路(關閘)接壤通往國內的珠海及中山等地區。

Articles on the history and technique of astrology and tarot , images from the “ feral tarot “ by isthmus nekoi , and astrology reports for purchase -提供在線測名,在線起名改名,在線詩詞成語在線漢語字典詞典,名人庫查詢,同名查詢等內容。

Besides , the isthmus joining paliki to kefalonia is 180 metres ( 600 feet ) above sea level , too high for the two to have been separate 而且,帕利克連接凱法利尼亞的地峽高出海平面180米( 600英尺) ,對兩個分離的地方來說都顯得太高了。

The macao peninsula is connected to the taipa island by three bridges , and the two islands are linked up by an artificial isthmus 澳門半島與仔之間由三條大橋連接,仔和路環之間則由路連貫公路相連。

The investigation of clinical evaluation of thyroid unilateral lobe with isthmus resection in treating thyroid solitary nodule 峽部切除術治療甲狀腺單發結節的臨床價值探討

A piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus 奧克蘭是新西蘭最大的城市,位于北島西北部地峽。

The thyroid gland has a right lobe and a left lobe connected by a narrow isthmus 位于頸部氣管前,由左右兩葉及中間狹窄的的峽部構成。

Auckland is the largest city of new zealand , on an isthmus of northwest north island 奧克蘭是新西蘭最大的城市,位于北島西北部地峽。

Isthmus gyri fornicati 穹窿?峽

Isthmus of perekop 皮里柯普地峽

Appliance of tenor system in treatment of fissural olisthe of isthmus of lumbar vertebra 系統在腰椎峽部裂性滑脫復位治療中的應用

The thyroid gland has a right lobe and a left lobe connected by a narrow isthmus 位于頸部氣管前,由左右兩葉及中間的峽部構成。

Isthmus cartilaginis auris 耳軟骨峽