
issue n.1.出口;河口。2.結果,結局;成績。3.收獲,收益...

issue advocacy

The affair raises wider issues of national interest . 此事向全民提出了廣為關注的問題。

I had already issued a written farewell to the troops . 我已向部隊發表了書面的告別詞。

The cambodian issue is very definitely a side issue . 柬埔寨問題肯定只是一個枝節問題。

I realized on which side of the issue i stood . 我知道自己在這個問題上所采取的立場。

But the issue did not come up in quite this way . 但是問題并沒有按照這個樣子提出來。

They discuss issues thoroughly . 他們深入地討論問題。

He asks if banquo's issue shall reign in scotland . 他懷疑班柯的后嗣會君臨蘇格蘭。

Your objections do not touch the point at issue . 你提的反對意見與問題的實質無關。

She explained all the hows and whys of the issue . 她詳盡說明了問題的情況及原由。

The book was issued under his general editorship ... 這本書是由他擔任主編出版的。

She is going along with management on this issue . 她在這個問題上同意資方的意見。

The story is issued in numbers . 那部小說是分冊出版的。

If they were not, the issue was disputable . 假如情況不是這樣,那就很難有把握了。

They issued a new edition of lu xun 's works . 他們發行了魯迅著作的一個新版本。

The party is absolutely together on this issue . 該黨在這一問題上意見完全一致。

The oversight issued in heavy losses . 疏忽造成重大損失。

The students issued out into the streets . 學生涌到街上。

The submission is not linked to any other issue . 此協定不與其他任何問題掛鉤。

But no word would issue from his lips . 但他還是不吐一言。