
israel n.1.以色列〔亞洲〕。2.〔總稱〕以色列人,猶太人;〔...


Moses led the children of israel out of egypt 摩西帶領以色列的子民離開埃及。

And abimelech was prince over israel three years 22亞比米勒管理以色列人三年。

[ bbe ] now jephthah was judge of israel for six years 耶弗他作以色列的士師六年。

Moses led the children of israel out of the egypt 摩西率領以色列的子民離開了埃及

So abimelech was chief over israel for three years 亞比米勒管理以色列人三年。

It was always my wish to take a look at israel 我一直希望能到以色列去看一看。

Gaza rockets hit israel near defense minister ' s home 加沙火箭彈擊中以防長住宅區

Every thing devoted in israel shall be thine 14以色列中一切永獻的都必歸與你。

Annan hopes israel will lift blockade within 48 hours 安南望以48小時內取消封鎖

Now at that time the philistines ruled over israel 那時,非利士人轄制以色列人。

But when moses found the children of israel . . 但是當摩西發現以色列的孩子們. .

David son of jesse was king over all israel 26耶西的兒子大衛作以色列眾人的王。

2004 aaron ciechanover israel 2004 avram hershko israel 2004年阿切哈諾沃以色列

My friend has been in israel for three months 我的朋友在以色列呆了有三個月了。

And samuel judged israel all the days of his life 15撒母耳平生作以色列的士師。

Previously they had refused to complete deliveries of some new tanks to jordan because of alleged shortages and yet scores were now being sent to israel . 以前他們曾以缺貨為理由拒絕向約旦提供一些新坦克,可是現在卻把大批坦克運往以色列。

In this case the memorandum of understanding was an detailed statement of how israel intended to interpret the provisions of the six-point accord . 這一次這個諒解備忘錄的內容是詳細說明以色列打算怎樣解釋六點協議的各項條款。

Jewish experiences in 20th century have included the culmination of zionism in the establishment of the state of israel in 1948 . 20世紀猶太人的經歷包含猶太復國主義最終在1948年建立起以色列國。

The direct negotiation israel had demanded with such fervor so many years would undoubtedly have to be fueled by israeli concessions . 以色列多年來所迫切要求的直接談判必須作出讓步才能實現。