
isodose adj.【物理學】等劑量的,等劑量線的。


In this thesis , ga is used to optimize the beam weights of intensity modulated radiation therapy ( imrt ) inverse planning , and 2d and 3d isodose contour as well as dose volume histogram ( dvh ) are used to evaluate the treatment plan 本文應用遺傳算法優化逆向調強放療計劃中射束的權重,用二維等劑量線、三維劑量分布和劑量體積直方圖來評估計劃的優劣。

The technologies are emphasized , including image collection , preprocessing , edge detection and selection , calculating the dose of the point and drawing the isodose 著重探討了系統的實現技術,包括模擬定位機下定位圖像的采集、預處理、邊緣識別與提取、任意點的劑量計算和等劑量曲線的繪制等。