
island n.1.島,島嶼。2.島狀物;孤立的地區;孤立的組織。3...

island hopping strategy

Tomatoa, of course, had developed into a classical island warrior . 塔曼托阿長成標準的島上武士。

Successive british governments had found the islands a headache . 英國歷屆政府都對該島感到頭疼。

This island is surrounded by many safe and wide harbors . 這個島四周有許多非常安全和寬敞的港灣。

Come in, storm island . 風暴島,請回話。

Nearby were two canoes in which they had came to the island . 附近有兩只他們來這個島坐的獨木船。

The ownership of the island has long been established beyond dispute . 該島的歸屬早已確定無疑。

Behind him, the whole island was shuddering with flame . 在他身后,整個島嶼被大火燒得震顫不己。

Undoubtedly the japanese would not dare by-pass the islands . 日本軍不敢超越該島進攻是無疑的。

I bet there've been pirates on this island before, boys . 我敢說這個島上從前有過海盜,伙計們。

While we're waiting we can have a good time on this island . 咱們在島上等的時候可以玩個痛快。

Japan is an island country . 日本是個島國。

Cyprus , as you know , is an island in the mediterranean . 如你所知,塞浦路斯是地中海的島國。

The island was fairly flat and bare, faber observed . 費伯注意到,島上地勢平坦,但十分荒涼。

They had struck the island at dawn, on schedule . 他們已按戰斗日程在拂曉時分襲擊了這個島嶼。

The island bears eastward . 那個島位于東面。

But this is a good island . 可這個島真不賴啊。

The bridge replaces a ferry that went to japonski island . 該橋代替了去雅邦斯基島的渡船。

Three months on the island was what his soul craved . 他心向神往的只是到島上去住上3個月。

Apparently the island could not be entirely discounted。 很顯然,這個島是不可能輕侮的。