
ischaemia n.【醫學】局部缺血,局部貧血。adj.-mic


Mr wang yuangong , deputy director of tsinghua science park development center and deputy director of green pharmaceutical : “ in recent years , puerarin has been widely used for treating various ailments such as hypertension , coronary diseases , angina and myocardial ischaemia etc . green pharmaceutical has the self - developed patent technology for extracting the essence of puerarin at low cost 清華科技園發展中心副主任綠色藥業董事長王元工先生表示:近年葛根素被廣泛應用于治療高血壓冠心病心絞痛及心肌梗塞等疾病。綠色藥業擁有自行開發的低成本葛根素快速提取專利技術,公司已完成提取技術的初期測試,并計劃在二零零二年三月開始投入中間試驗及試生產。

Danshen and gegen together were proven to be tissue - protective in ischaemia - reperfusion model experiment , a research group led by professor kam sang woo , professor of medicine and therapeutics of the chinese university of hong kong has successfully produced a quality herbal capsule preparation ( 500mgcapsule ) 由中大醫學院內科及藥物治療學講座教授胡錦生教授領導的研究小組,成功研制出優質500毫克膠囊裝中成藥,為一百名冠心病病人進行為期二十四周的雙盲、隨機、同步的臨床測試。

Prevention of vascular complications after cerebral ischaemia of arterial origin . the esprit study : mild anticoagulant therapy , combination treatment with acetylsalicylic acid and dipyridamole , or treatment with acetylsalicylic acid alone 動脈源性腦缺血后血管并發癥的預防。 esprit研究:輕度抗凝血治療、乙酰水楊酸和雙嘧達莫聯合治療,還是單純乙酰水楊酸治療?

Conclusion : mild - moderate donor liver macrovesicular steatosis has no impact on hcv recurrence after liver transplantation for hcv - related cirrhosis . cold ischaemia time and donor age increased the likelihood of hcv recurrence 結論:輕中度微小脂肪變性與丙肝肝硬化患者移植術后丙肝復發無相關性。冷卻血時間和供體年齡是增加丙肝復發可能性的主要原因。

Peripheral arterial disease frequently occurs , and is more likely to be conducive to critical limb ischaemia and amputation than in the absence of diabetes 糖尿病患者與非糖尿病患者相比,外周動脈疾病更為常見,而且更易導致四肢重要動脈缺血和截肢。

The presence of poorly controlled diabetes can aggravate the risk by the poor vascular supply with relative ischaemia of the muscle 糖尿病控制不佳會加重血運不佳和肌肉的相對缺血。

The combination of neuropathy and ischaemia was particularly associated with poor outcome of an ulcer ( 61 % healing ) 神經病變與無脈并發尤其與潰瘍不良結果相關( 61 %愈合) 。

Protection of zhenzhu qishi pill on experimental brain ischaemia 珍珠七十丸對實驗性腦缺血的保護作用