
isaiah n.1.(公元前七、八世紀希伯來大預言家)以賽亞。2.【...


Isaiah ' s words in his 10th chapter will assist us in appreciating this truth a little more clearly 以賽亞在他的第10章將幫助我們更清晰地鑒別這個真理。

This disagreement is related to the question of whether isaiah 7 : 14 is a prophecy of jesus ' birth 這個爭執就是有關以賽亞書7 : 14是否預言了耶穌的誕生。

Isaiah prophesied in judah during the reigns of kings uzziah , jotham , ahaz and hezekiah 以賽亞先知是在烏西雅,約坦,亞哈斯和希西家作猶大王的時候說預言

Heres the good news , isaiah says this : therefore the lord himself will give you a sign 此時此刻,主就在這里, ?呼召你們每位賜予使命,把教義傳開去。

In the old testament , the prophet isaiah tells us of the coming of the messiah , 我們遇上麻煩了,他叫我到他的辦公室去,我永遠不會忘記他第一句話。

Isaiah had said , “ prepare a poultice of figs and apply it to the boil , and he will recover . 21以賽亞說,當取一塊無花果餅來,貼在瘡上,王必痊愈。

King hezekiah and the prophet isaiah son of amoz cried out in prayer to heaven about this 20希西家王和亞摩斯的兒子先知以賽亞因此禱告,向天呼求。

Acts 8 : 28 and he was returning and was sitting in his chariot and reading the prophet isaiah 徒八28現在回來,在車上坐著,念申言者以賽亞的書。

Then came isaiah the prophet unto king hezekiah , and said unto him , what said these men 14于是先知以賽亞來見希西家王,問他說,這些人說什么。

28 and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of isaiah the prophet 28現在回來,在車上坐著,念先知以賽亞的書。

The prophet isaiah said you have to level the mountains and fill the valleys 先知以賽亞說:一切山洼都要填滿,大小山網都要削平。

Prophet of ancient israel after whom the biblical book of isaiah is named 古代以色列先知, 《舊約》中的以賽亞書即以其名命名。

And he was returning and was sitting in his chariot and reading the prophet isaiah 28現在回來,在車上坐著,念申言者以賽亞的書。

The word which isaiah the son of amoz saw concerning judah and jerusalem 賽2 : 1亞摩斯的兒子以賽亞得默示、論到猶大、和耶路撒冷。

Then said hezekiah unto isaiah , good is the word of the lord which thou hast spoken 19希西家對以賽亞說,你所說耶和華的話甚好。

Jesus is also described as a lamb in isaiah 53 : 7 and see v 12 約翰福音1 : 29同樣在以賽亞書53 : 7 , 12中,耶穌也被成為神的羔羊。

Its in isaiah 66 : 13 這是主說的。

But god foretold the coming of christ long before isaiah ' s time 在耶穌基督誕生7百多年前?以賽亞書第53章就描述了耶穌的受難。

The word that isaiah the son of amoz saw concerning judah and jerusalem 1亞摩斯的兒子以賽亞得默示,論到猶大和耶路撒冷。