
irwin n.歐文〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 數以百計的悼念者通過集會和敬獻物品的方式悼念史蒂夫歐文這位通過電視廣播在全球家喻戶曉的“鱷魚先生” 。

Howard wilkinson rang alex ferguson to ask him if denis irwin was for sale , ferguson put in a cheeky bid for the frenchman and the rest is history 霍華德.威爾金森詢問埃爾文可否出售,弗格森爵士說除非用法國人交換,剩下的就地球人都知道了。

Bob irwin , in a news conference broadcast live across australia , said that he was deeply saddened but that his son died doing what he loved 鮑伯厄文在一項向全澳洲現場直播的記者會上說,他很傷心,但好歹他兒子是在做他愛做的事時死亡。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 成百上千的追悼者出席追悼活動,向廣為全世界電視觀眾知曉的“鱷魚獵手” ? ?史蒂夫?歐文致敬。

The 44 - year - old irwin died suddenly on monday when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray barb off the north queensland , australia coast 44歲的艾兒文是在星期一突然去世的,當時他正在澳大利亞昆士蘭北部海岸,不幸被黃貂魚刺中胸部。

Said dr . irwin redlener , president of the children ' s health fund . cuba , though less developed , has better infant mortality rates than the u . s 美國兒童健康基金會主席瑞得納博士如是說.雖然古巴不如美國發達,但嬰兒死亡率卻遠低于美國

The 44 - year - old irwin died suddenly on monday when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray barb off the north queensland , australia coast 星期一,四十四歲的艾爾文在澳大利亞昆士蘭洲北部的沙灘被刺鰩的尖刺刺中了胸部,猝然離去。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 上百人參加了祭奠斯蒂夫艾兒文的活動,他以“鱷魚獵手”之名為全世界電視觀眾所熟知。

The 44 - year - old irwin died suddenly on monday when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray barb off the north queensland , australia coast 周一,在澳洲昆斯蘭北部的一個海灘, 44歲的艾爾文被黃貂魚的尖刺刺中胸部,猝然死去。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 數百名哀悼者聚集在一起向全世界電視觀眾熟知的“鱷魚獵人”史蒂夫?歐文致意。

The 44 - year - old irwin died suddenly on monday when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray barb off the north queensland , australia coast 44的厄文是周一在澳大利亞海岸北昆士蘭海域被黃貂魚的倒刺刺中心臟而突然死亡的。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 成百上千的哀悼者前來悼念全世界電視觀眾所熟知的“鱷魚獵人” ,史蒂芬歐文。

The 44 - year - old irwin died suddenly on monday when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray barb off the north queensland , australia coast 星期一在澳洲海岸的北昆士蘭州, 44歲的史蒂芬歐文于由于黃貂魚魚鉤刺穿胸腔致死。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 成百上千的送葬者到場追悼全世界電視觀眾所熟知的“鱷魚獵手”斯蒂夫?厄文。

The 44 - year - old irwin died suddenly on monday when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray barb off the north queensland , australia coast 星期一, 44歲的歐文在澳大利亞北昆士蘭州的海岸被一條黃貂魚刺中胸腔突然死亡。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 幾百名哀悼者去給全世界電視觀眾所共知的“鱷魚獵手”斯蒂文,阿文致意。

Hundreds of mourners turned out to pay tribute to the man known by television audiences around the world as “ the crocodile hunter “ , steve irwin 數百名悼念者到場向被全世界電視觀眾熟知的“鱷魚獵人”斯蒂夫歐文致敬。

Irwin ' s body was returned home to beerwah a hamlet 3 in southeastern queensland where he lived with his wife and two young children 艾爾文的尸體被送回位于昆士蘭州東南比瓦鎮的家鄉,他曾和妻子兩個小孩生活在那里。

Mrs irwin had been trekking in tasmania when steve died and police had to search her out to break the tragic news 史蒂夫?歐文去世的時候,他的妻子正在塔斯馬尼亞進行長途旅行,警方找到她后告訴了她這個不幸的消息。