
irritate vt.1.激怒,使發怒,使急躁。2.刺激,使興奮。3.使...


It irritated her beyond measure to see the regularity with which he went through the unvarying process of his toilet . 看見他總是有規律地每天毫無變化地在同一時間進洗手間,也使她火氣沖天。

Nim had learned of the arrangement accidentally and was unsure whether to be grateful, irritated or amused . 尼姆偶然之中知道了這種安排,他簡直不知道是應該感激、氣惱還是覺得有趣才好。

I should be sorry to have the defence protracted in such a manner as to irritate my red friends there . 我感到憂慮的是:你們的防衛一直這樣拖下去的話,只會激怒我的這些紅人朋友

But the poor girl's dumb eloquence irritated her father more than anything else would have done . 但是,她泄露哀情的沉默比其他任何東西都更使父親不高興。

Its doubting and challenging, its quibbling and dialectics, often are irritating to common people . 它的疑惑和詰難,它的詭辨和辯證,常常是令人討厭的。

It irritated him that when he tried to be agreeable with a woman she should take offence . 他想去迎合一個女人,可她竟惡聲相向,這沒法不叫他怒上心頭。

Alice felt a little irritated at the caterpillar's making such very short remarks . 艾麗思對于“大青蟲”老是把話說得那么簡短,感到有點兒惱火。

“oh, shut up! “replied aileen, irritated greatly for the moment by this onslaught . “哦,不要說了!”愛玲回答道,這種攻擊一時使她大為激怒。

An author, but not an intellectual, he was irritated by writing he thought too cerebral . 由于他是作家而非學者,他討厭他認為耐人思考的作品。

I sat staring at the clock for some time, and its ticking began to irritate me . 我坐著望了一會鐘,滴答滴答的鐘聲叫我心煩意亂,便走出屋子。

Primary gastritis may be caused by the ingestion of caustic or irritating chemicals . 由于采食有腐蝕性或有刺激性化學物質而引起原發性胃炎。

Similarly, any pigment nevus that is chronically irritated should be excised . 同樣,凡是經常受慢性刺激的各種色素痣切勿予以切除。

Well, when you are hot, that way, every little thing irritates you . 哎,人要是熱得那么要命,每一樁芝麻大的事都可以把他惹惱。

He said it with an air of superior knowledge that irritated both of us . 他說話時帶著一種比別人高明的神氣,把我們倆惹惱了。

His ceaseless straining after brilliant epigrams quickly becomes irritating . 他不斷追求漂亮警句的手法則很容易使人厭倦。

He was irritated with himself that he had trusted his horse to dunstan . 他不禁暗自惱恨自己,當初不該把馬托付給鄧斯丹。

She would become quite irritated if people complicated the issue with grey . 誰要是似是而非,模棱兩可,她就會火冒三丈。

The atmosphere is often highly irritating to the eyes and to the respiratory tract . 大氣常會刺激眼睛和呼吸系統。

There was a most irritating end to every one of these debates . 這種討論,沒有一次不是以極不痛快的結局收場的。