
irreverence n.1.不虔誠;不尊敬。2.無禮;傲慢。3.不敬的行為[...


Depicting the then colony s early days with irreverence , it addresses hong kong s rising sense of indigenous identity and provided an off - handed way to deal with its troubled history - indeed the right solution with the wrong clues , but also at the right time 鬼馬面對香港歷史,取態模棱兩可,正好反映了當年觀眾的心態。該片一方面滿足了逐漸冒升的本土意識,另一方面又天馬行空的處理殖民地早期日子,既有鬼馬的面對,亦有多智的逃避。

But there was no sign of re - awakening courage in his followers ; rather , indeed , of growing terror at the irreverence of his words 但是沒有任何跡象表明他的同伙能重振旗鼓相反,他用這樣不敬的口氣提到死者,使他們感到更加恐懼。

The fever of irreverence gained the literary first - night world : legend was trampled underfoot ; ancient images were shattered 傳奇遭踐踏,古代的人物形象被摧殘。朱庇特有一副和善的面孔,而戰神則變得瘋瘋癲癲。

And the anger of the lord burned against uzzah , and god struck him down there for his irreverence ; and he died there by the ark of god 撒下6 : 7神耶和華向烏撒發怒、因這錯誤擊殺他、他就死在神的約柜旁。

These adjectives mean showing or marked by irreverence or contempt for what is sacred 這些形容詞的意思是顯示出或特征為對神圣事物不尊敬或鄙視的。

“ true irreverence is disrespect for another man ' s god . 真正的大不敬是不尊重別人的神。

They did irreverence to the teachers . 他們對老師很不尊敬。