
irresolute adj.無決斷的,猶豫不決的,優柔寡斷的,躊躇不定的;動...


Fourteen years had changed the worthy merchant , who , in his thirty - sixth year at the opening of this history , was now in his fiftieth ; his hair had turned white , time and sorrow had ploughed deep furrows on his brow , and his look , once so firm and penetrating , was now irresolute and wandering , as if he feared being forced to fix his attention on some particular thought or person 十四年的光陰已改變了這位可敬的商人的容貌,他,在本書開頭的時候是三十六歲,現在已五十歲了。他的頭發已變得花白了,時光和憂愁已在他的額頭上刻下了深深的皺紋,而他的目光,一度曾是那樣的堅定和敏銳,現在卻是躊躇而彷徨,象是他怕被迫把自己的注意力集中在一個念頭或一個人身上似的。

He stopped short in the middle of a sentence , dropped his eyes , to avoid seeing her disagreeably exasperated and irresolute face , and said , but it was not to quarrel with you that i have come here . on the contrary he glanced at her to make sure whether he could go on 他講到半中間便停頓下來,垂下了眼簾,不想去看她那令人厭惡的十分忿怒的猶豫不決的臉色,他說道: “我到這里來,根本不想和您爭吵,恰恰相反”他朝她瞥了一眼,為了弄清楚,是不是可以繼續講下去。

This appeal seemed to produce some effect , for two of the fellows began to look here and there among the lumber , but halfheartedly , i thought , and with half an eye to their own danger all the time , while the rest stood irresolute on the road 這呼吁看起來似乎有點作用,因為有兩個家伙開始在雜物堆里到處查看了,只不過三心二意的,另一只眼睛一直在留心自身的危險呢,我想。而其余的人都猶豫不決地站在路上。

Why i begin to be irresolute to our breakfast , why i begin to think that there is not appetite , why i is it read to like no longer , why i is it sit nothing it does to be to stare flankly to want only 為什么我開始對我們的早餐猶豫不決,為什么我開始覺得沒有食欲,為什么我不再喜歡看書,為什么我只想坐著什么都不做就是發呆?

“ well , in one of your late conversations with him , you said that i appeared to be forgetful and irresolute concerning this marriage , did you not ? “在您和他最近談話的時候,您說,我對這件婚事的態度不夠堅決,好象把它淡忘了。 ”

From being irresolute and purposeless , his feet became animated by an intention , and , in the working out of that intention , they took him to the doctor s door 在他終于下定決心之后,那雙腳便把他帶進了醫生家的門。

Instead of going straight into the adjoining room , where her desk was , she lingered , slightly irresolute , in the outer office 她沒有直接到放有她辦公桌的里間辦公室去,而是滯留在外間辦公室,有點兒拿不定主意似的。

Helen had firm views on how her young man should behave . decisive kissing was one thing ; irresolute pawing about was quite another 海倫對年青男子的舉止有堅定的看法,動情的深吻是一回事,輕挑的動手動腳是另一回事。

He now furtively raised his eyes : he glanced at me , irresolute , disturbed : he again surveyed the picture 這時他偷偷地抬起眼來。他猶猶豫豫忐忑不安地看了我一眼,再次細看起這幅畫來。

The determined will do everything to succeed . the irresolute think it ' s impossible to achieve anything 有志者,自有千方百計;無志者,只有千難萬險。

He turned away to descend ; then , irresolute , faced round to her door again 他轉身打算下樓接著,他又猶豫不決地向她的門口轉過身去。

The irresolute spend the most precious moments of life regretting 猶豫遲疑的人,常把生命最珍貴的時刻浪費在懊悔上。

Because of his irresolute character , we were defeated at last 因為他性格的軟弱,我們最終被打敗了。

Vernon stood irresolute . 維農猶豫不決地站著。

His opponents were too irresolute to call his bluff . 他的對手太優柔寡斷,不敢接受挑戰。