
irrelevance 短語和例子irrelevance, irrelevanc...


The research and development of this system makes it possible to realize the integration of pdm and erp asynchronously , timely and reliably . due to msmq “ s irrelevance to platform , this system can be used for the integration of some application systems , and it is useful and worthy of being generalized 本系統的研究開發,實現了pdm系統和erp系統異步、實時、可靠的集成,又由于msmq具有平臺無關性特點,本系統可以應用到許多大規模應用系統的集成,具有一定的實用和推廣價值。

The forthright discussion of ideas , the constructive work in teams , the courage to challenge the emptiness of irrelevance , the excitement of touching the unknown , the capacity to identify , question and develop a new concept , and the ability to look at the world as an always changing phenomenon , are actions that we consciously place at the center of our professional lives 本學院鼓勵著意讓學生在學習專業知識過程中,直陳己見率地討論意見,在小組中積極參與小分組學習合作,勇于接受挑戰,且享受探索未新知識的樂趣刺激,培養批判能力使其有能力識別,學會分析問題并提出新觀點質疑并演發新概念,明白知道世界瞬息萬變正不斷地改變。

Crick ' s entirely correct statement is irrelevant to curing aging - - but this irrelevance illustrates the main distinction that i think i can make between how i think about fixing aging and the way that most of my colleagues think about it 克里克完全正確的話與治愈老化無關?而是這種無關性闡明了我可以弄清的在我所考慮的搞定老化與我的大多數同事們考慮它的方式的主要差別。

In their celebrated papers , modigliani and miller ( 1958 , 1963 ) argued that the capital structure decision and dividend policy is a matter of irrelevance , affecting neither the value of corporation nor it ' s cost of capital Modigliani和miller ( 1958 , 1961 )的經典論文指出公司的資本結構政策和股利政策均與公司的價值無關。

Finally , the performance comparison of correlation and irrelevance processing methods is given by using results of lake trial and sea trial . the conclusion of this paper is also present 在文章的最后,通過湖試和海試的結果及理論分析,對相關處理和非相干處理兩種方法的性能作一比較,并對全文作了一個總結。

Bill burton , obama ' s spokesman , dismisses the findings . “ national polls may go up and down before people actually start voting , but their irrelevance will not , “ he says 比爾?波頓,奧巴馬的發言人,對此卻不以為然,他說“在正式大選前,競選的結果就會起起落落,但是在關鍵時刻就不會了” 。

Greenwich mean time would become an “ irrelevance “ if proposals to redefine how time is measured are accepted , an historian at the royal observatory greenwich , uk , has warned 英國格林威治天文臺1位歷史學家警告,重新界定計時方式的提案如果獲得接受,格林威治標準時間將變得“永無意義” 。

The hardware configuration of signal processor based on tms320c25 is firstly introduced in this paper . correlation algorithms and irrelevance algorithms are also present 本文首先介紹了以c25為核心的信號處理器的硬件構成,然后介紹了相關處理算法和非相干相關處理算法。

These are fragmentary notes taken while prof . frankfurt gave a lecture in our department . the lecture is about the moral irrelevance of equality Frankfurt教授到系上演講時,隨手記下的筆記,因為覺得他的演講非常精采,所以趁事后記憶猶新時整理成檔案,跟大家分享。

The focus of this paper is the problem of frequency optimum codes of irrelevance processing . the method of researching optimum codes by using costas array method is given 著重討論了非相干處理時的頻率最優編碼問題,給出了以costas陣列方式尋找最優編碼的方法。

Since the birth of mm irrelevance theory , the economic circles have been paying intensive attention to the theory of capital structure in enterprises 自從mm不相關理論誕生以來,企業資本結構理論引起了經濟學界的廣泛關注。

Your wealth , fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance . it will not matter what you owned or what you were owned 你的財富、名望和世俗的權力,都將成為無關緊要的細枝末節。你過去擁有的、虧欠的,都不再重要。

Your wealth , fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance . it will not matter what you owned or what you were owed 你的財富、名望和世俗的權力都將變成細枝末節的事情,不管是你擁有的還是虧欠的,都不再重要。

Despite the current stock level s irrelevance to , say , the customer s order history 但是,不管當前的庫存水平是否與當前情況相關(比如對顧客的訂單歷史來說) ,這個字段都會從包含

Your wealth , fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance 你的財富,你的名譽以及你現在的權利,都變得無足輕重。

Your wealth , fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance 你的財富、名望和世俗的權利都將變成細枝末節的事情。

Your wealth , fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance 你的財富、名譽及暫時握有的權力將毫無價值。

A president who identifies leadership with public opinion polls dooms himself to irrelevance . 一位總統如果把他的領導和民意測驗投票結果等同起來,那么他注定將成為一個可有可無的人物。