
iroquois n.易洛魁人。adj.易洛魁族的,易洛魁人的。


The former four genes were belonged to krupple - type zinc finger family and irxl was belonged to iroquois homeobox family . both of the families are transcription factors . it was shown that the two family proteins are involved in the cardiogenesis process or cardiac disease 前面4個基因屬于c2h2 -型鋅指蛋白家族, irx1屬irx蛋白家族,它們都是轉錄因子,研究表明這兩個家族蛋白都參與心臟的發育或疾病發生過程。

Are there not crimes for which the impalement of the turks , the augers of the persians , the stake and the brand of the iroquois indians , are inadequate tortures , and which are unpunished by society 有幾種罪惡,即使用土耳其人的刺刑,波斯人的鉆刑,印第安人的炮烙和火印也嫌懲罰得不夠的,而社會卻不聞不見,絲毫未加以處罰嗎?

To recognize the origins of this increasingly popular game , the iroquois now compete as a national team at the world championships , which are held every four years 為了探尋這項不斷受歡迎的運動的起源,伊洛郭人現在在每四年一屆的世界杯上以國家隊的身份參賽。

Hint : select your exploration ship . use the build warehouse option and choose a warehouse slot on the iroquois ' island 提示:選擇您的探險船。使用修造倉庫選擇并且選擇一個倉庫槽孔在易洛魁族人的海島。

But it ' s a sport that was first played in the east hundreds of years ago , among the iroquois indians 但是這項運動曾在100多年以前美國東部的印第安部落里出現過。

That ' s the iroquois name he gave me for having the strong face of an ass 那是他給我的易洛魁名字意思說有強壯臉的的庇

Make peace with the iroquois 得到和平與易洛魁族人。

Set up your own iron production on the iroquois ' island 設定您自己的鐵生產在易洛魁族人的海島。

The gentes of the iroquois will be taken as the standard exemplification of this institution in the ganowanian family . 我們要用易洛魁人的氏族作為加諾萬尼亞族系這種制度的典型例子。

Come forth, miserable briarthon, and wash the iroquois paint from your face; and stand before the hurons . 出來,不要臉的布利爾騷恩,洗掉你臉上易洛魁人的花紋,站到休倫人面前。

She was perfectly aware of the importance of keeping the canoes from falling into the hands of the iroquois . 她也完全懂得,小舟無論如何不能落入伊洛魁人手中。