
ire n.〔詩〕怒火,忿怒。n.-fulness


Thirdly , according to the conservation of energy principle , this paper analyzes the relationship between the hot ? ire and the airflow rate , establishes primary model of the hot ? ire . in this paper the simple mathematical model of pfras were given out ( 3 )利用能量守衡的原理,分析了傳感器敏感元件中的熱線與氣流速度之間的關系,建立了熱線的基本模型,從而給出壓電射流角速度傳感器的數學模型。

The paper contrasted and analyzed main scheme at present , and brought forward a co - and applied ire system model , viz . , the ire system based on the 360 ? rotating laser measurement and pro / scan - tools 文中對比分析了目前主要的技術方案,提出了一種非常方便而實用的ire系統模型,即基于激光360度回轉測量及pro scan - tools的ire系統模型。

Compared wi th mult inat ional pharmaceut ical companies , although these enterprises have set up ent ire operating value chain and have some strengths in the prepared chinese medicine business , they have many weaknesses 同時,盡管大型中成藥企業在中成藥工業領域形成了較完備的價值鏈,具備一定實力,但企業還存在規模較小等諸多弱點。

My habitual mood of humiliation , self - doubt , forlorn depression , fell damp on the embers of my decaying ire . all said i was wicked , and perhaps i might be so ; what thought had i been but just conceiving of starving myself to death 往常那種屈辱感,那種缺乏自信孤獨沮喪的情緒,澆滅了我將消未消的怒火,誰都說我壞,也許我確實如此吧。

New image processing technology called ires . this expands the colour capabilities of docucentre - c4300 c3300 c2200 by improving colour reproduction in documents containing both photographs and graphics 新型圖像處理技術ires改進了同時包含相片和圖表的文檔的色彩還原效果,使docucentre - ii c4300 c3300 c2200的色彩能力更上一層樓。

Among things that drew the ire of the bride , elana glatt , who also happens to be a lawyer , were the alleged inclusion of cheaper orchids than promised in the bridal bouquet , the new york times reported 紐約時報報導,惹惱新娘依蘭娜葛拉特(她正巧是律師)的事情中,據稱包含新娘捧花中用了價錢比先前承諾低的蘭花。

Indeed , this a ears to be the case , since it clearly tra ires from the file and evidence that the seller knew and could not be unaware ( of the non - conformity of the co ignment to ) contract ecification 實際看來這也是事實,因為書證和口證都清楚表明賣方知道且不可能不知道提交的貨物不符合同規格規定。

The project has already raised the ire of privacy activists , but google says it is finding ways to ensure individuals ' faces and licence plate numbers are not identifiable 這項工作已經引起了保護隱私的激進主義者的憤怒,但是谷歌方面說他們正在尋找一種方法來使得個人的面孔和汽車牌照不被辨認出來。

Bayern ' s ire was stoked further by hargreaves ' s apparent reneging on an extended contract he signed a matter of months earlier , with kahn urging the midfielder to honour his deal 此外哈格里夫斯明確的拒絕了自己在一個月前簽下的續約合同,這使得拜仁更加惱火。而卡恩則勸他接受這份合同。

Partial module of this ire system now has been used successfully in the students “ reverse engineering experiments for the engineering training center of sichuan university 實踐證明該系統模型較為先進,能用于工業用途。現已將部分模塊成功用于四川大學工程培訓中心的學生逆向工程實驗。

The project has already raised the ire of privacy activists , but google says it is finding ways to ensure individuals ' faces and licence plate numbers are not identifiable 這個項目已經引起注重隱私權分子的憤怒,但是谷歌谷歌聲稱它將找到一種方法使個人的臉部和門牌號無法辨認。

The project has already raised the ire of privacy activists , but google says it is finding ways to ensure individuals ' faces and licence plate numbers are not identifiable 這個項目卻已經激怒了一些私人行動主義者,但谷歌堅持說他們正尋求途徑以保證公民的面孔以及車牌號不可辨認

The project has already raised the ire of privacy activists , but google says it is finding ways to ensure individuals ' faces and licence plate numbers are not identifiable 這個項目已經引起了隱私激進分子的憤怒,但谷歌稱它正找出一些辦法來保證個人的面孔和車牌號不被辨認出來。

Princess diana also raised the royal family s ire by refusing to participate in hunting . it went against her deepest convictions to harm or kill animals 此外她也因拒絕參加以驅趕方式狩獵的活動而惹惱了英國皇室,因為此種的活動最是違背她不傷害或殺害動物的信念。

Another focus of ire has been the snappily named verbandvreinbarung ( = group agreement ) , an accord reached between the big utilities that sets terms for grid access 另一個憤怒的焦點已經顯著命名為組織協議,在那個大的為訪問電網而設置項目工具之間達成一個協定。

Just as a household ca ot give every member everything he or she wants , a society ca ot give every individual the highest standard of living to which he or she might a ire 就像家庭不能滿足所有成員的需求一樣,社會不能給所有個體以他們所期待的最高的生活標準。

The project has already raised the ire of privacy activists , but google says it is finding ways to ensure individuals ' faces and licence plate numbers are not identifiable 這個項目惹惱了激進分子,但是谷歌聲明他們會在照片上避免能辨清個人面孔和車牌號碼。

The environmental pressure also raised the prospect of costly delays , to the ire of the customers who have pre - purchased much of the anticipated gas 來自環保方面的壓力也使得項目更加可能成本高昂的推遲完工,令預先購買了未來外運的天然氣的消費者暴怒不已。

Holt is full of ire against teachers and educational institutions , whom he believes actually serve as a hindrance to acquiring knowledge and learning skills 霍爾特對教師和教育機構深惡痛絕,認為這些人和機構實際上是給孩子獲取知識、掌握本領設置重重障礙。