irate adj.憤怒的,發怒的,激怒的。adv.-ly ,-ne...
adj. 憤怒的,發怒的,激怒的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “an irate customer“ 中文翻譯: 惱怒的顧“iratha“ 中文翻譯: 依雷撒“iratapuru river“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉塔普魯河“irati“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉蒂“irat“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉“irati river“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉蒂河“iratim river“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉廷河“irato“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉托“irastorza“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉斯托薩; 伊拉斯托扎
irbm |
I was saying that from my experience because every day my secretary gets a lot of telephone calls . sometimes it is from irate people who complain about our policies , about operations . sometimes it is from older persons who don t understand the policies and we not infrequently hear that there are people prompting the older persons to say certain things ?生福利及食物局局長:我希望只是很少數,但剛才我講到我的寫字樓有很多來電,我的秘書亦經常接聽到一些電話,有些長者在訴苦,問我們的政策是否不幫老人家,幾次都聽到旁邊有人教他們講說話,我剛才只是提到這件事情,并非特別講哪一個機構。 |
Thus , the pair of lovers could be jarred apart by misunderstood motives , by accident of fate , by jealous rivals , by irate parents , by crafty guardians , by scheming relatives , and so forth and so forth ; they could be reunited by a brave deed of the man lover , by a similar deed of the woman lover , by change of heart in one lover or the other , by forced confession of crafty guardian , scheming relative , or jealous rival , by voluntary confession of same , by discovery of some unguessed secret , by lover storming girl s heart , by lover making long and noble self - sacrifice , and so on , endlessly 比如兩人拆散的原因可以是對對方動機的誤解可以是命運的意外可以是妒忌可以是父母的反對,監護人的狡猾,親戚的干擾,如此等等。兩人的團圓可以是由于男方的英勇行為女方的英勇行為一方的回心轉意狡猾的監護人或蓄意破壞的親戚或情敵被迫承認錯誤某種意外機密的發現男方激動了女方的感情情人做了長期的高貴的自我犧牲,或諸如此類,可以變化無窮。 |
Making any stupid attempt to catch the bull ' s attention tends to rouse the anger of the other runners so that , even if the bull doesn ' t take any notice of you , it ' s likely that the other runners will , and you could end up being a punching bag for the irate runners 做任何想引起牛只注意的舉動可是會激起其他跑者的群起撻罰,所以即使牛只并沒有注意你的舉動,仍有可能讓其他的路跑人氣憤不已,接著你會成為憤恨不已的路跑人的攻擊目標。 |
Whether queuing to get money out and queuing again to spend it , or breaking a $ 100 bill with an irate cab driver one minute and having your pockets and purses fat with coins the next , cash is plainly still king 無論是排隊取錢排隊花錢,還是給遞給出租車司機100美元讓他找零,把他惹得惱怒不已,隨后你口袋和皮夾里則裝著鼓鼓囊囊的硬幣,種種生活細節無疑都表明了一個事實:現金消費依然獨占驁頭。 |
Salford parking attendants employed by ncp services in salford are to be issued with head - mounted miniature video cameras to record encounters with irate motorists , vandals , fly - posters and graffiti artists Pkk在張貼于firat通訊社網站上的聲明中稱,我們與這件攻擊無關。 firat通訊社與該游擊組織有密切聯系,并曾公布其 |
Marya dmitryevna stood in the doorway of the hall , with her spectacles slipping down on her nose , and her head flung back , looking with a stern and irate face at the new - comers 瑪麗亞德米特里耶夫娜把眼鏡拉到鼻梁上,頭向后仰,站在大廳門口,顯露出氣勢洶洶的嚴肅而暴躁的神態望著走進來的人。 |
And at first he was irate about the fact that his uncle would respond in such an un - compassionate fashion . and as he read those words he realized how true they are 初時,他因著叔叔這么不近人情的回應,感到非常憤怒但當他再細味這三個字,他明白到其中的真理,于是決定好好動腦筋。 |
The security agent at the door reportedly turned away at least 200 people , some of whom were understandably irate at not being able to attend the talks they wanted 據報道,安全人員至少拒絕了200位人員入內,其中一些人為不能出席他們希望參加的會議感到憤怒,這是可以理解的。 |
It shows the lack of emphasis by the production team on the cultural and historical context of the title and irate viewers were quick to criticise the station 也有亂取華文名的。就如電視連續劇何日軍再來,對文字背后的文化和歷史語境不加重視,引起了一些觀眾口誅筆伐。 |
Jennie noticed her account had an overdraft and she cursed herself for being so careless as she would doubtlessly have to deal with bounced checks and irate retailers 珍妮發現她的帳戶透支,她譴責自己的不小心,因為她無疑將必須面對被銀行拒收的支票和憤怒的零售商。 |
One morning that quiet magic was shattered when an irate woman slammed shut a card catalog drawer and stomped2 ) to the desk 一天上午,那神秘世界的寂靜被一個氣呼呼的女子用力關卡片抽屜的聲音和跺腳聲打破了,她沖到了借書臺前。 |
I sensed that one christmas morning when i was 18 being chased across my old school field by my old girlfriend ' s irate father 在我18歲的圣誕節清晨,我前任女朋友的父親怒氣沖沖地追著我,一直追遍了整個學校操場。 |
What will happen when these 17 , 000 irate people , now - unemployed , descend on washington , demanding explanations and jobs 那么,當這1 . 7萬失去了飯碗而滿腔怒火的人們向華盛頓討要公道和工作時會怎么樣呢? 。 |
And to discriminate only generates hate , and when you hate then you ' re bound to get irate , yeah . badness is what you demonstrate 而歧視只會產生仇恨,而當您仇恨時,你就會憤怒,耶。你就會表現惡劣。 |
Bavarian authorities have given farmers , who are irate about the pillaging of their sheep , permission to shoot the bear on sight 然而,當地的動物保護組織用“歇斯底里”這個詞來形容這道殺熊令。 |
One day she took the last bottle her mother had , and her mother became so irate that she started yelling obscenities 媽媽醒來后,十分生氣,開始大喊大叫,說臟話,又叫喊說:我恨死你。 |
This information seemed to have a mollifying effect , and the irate young man favored martin with a measuring stare 這番勸告起了緩解的作用,那氣沖沖的年輕人瞪大眼睛打量了馬丁一會兒。 |
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer . how did you handle the situation 50問:告訴我某次你遇上一個怒氣沖沖的客人的情形。你是怎樣處理這種尷尬場面的? |
The gentleman tore the paper up into many little pieces and with an irate gesture hurled them into the gutter 這位先生將那張紙撕成了無數的小碎片,憤然地把它們扔進了排水溝。 |