
ipsilateral adj.(身體的)同一側的;影響身體的同一側的。adv....

ipsissima verba

Using the methods of fluoro - gold ( fg ) retrograde tracing combined with immuno - fluorescence histochemistry , cb - immunoreactive neurons expressed immunoreactivity for fos protein in nts which send their axons to bst were investigated . after injecting fg into bst mainly in lateral part , the fg retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the mid - caudal part of nts bilaterally with ipsilateral side predominance . cb - and fos - immunoreactive neurons were distributed equally in both sides of nts 結果顯示:將熒光金( fg )注入一側終紋床核外側部( bstl )后,中尾段nts內雙側出現fg逆行標記神經元,注射區同側占優勢; nts的相同平面可觀察到雙側等量分布的兔疫反應陽性的cb和fos神經元:三種神經元的分布有明顯的重疊現象。

This study showed that the mt and sharpness of frequency tuning curves increased as the sound direction changed from contralateral to ipsilateral azimuthal angles . it suggests that sound direction effect on frequency tuning may be through the complex interplay between the excitatory and inhibitory inputs . the application of gaba ( a ) antagonist , bicuculline , lowered all mts but the application did not abolish direction - dependent variation in mt 聽皮層的抑制性影響使大多數神經元在蝙蝠最敏感的聲源方位c - 40的頻率分辨能力明顯提高,同時使c - 40和i - 40的最低閾值的差別進一步增大,提高了信噪比,提高下丘聽神經元對聲源方位和最佳頻率的分辨能力。

At varying conditioning - test stimulus intervals , segmental conditioning stimulus was applied in the tibialis anterior muscle ipsilateral and contralateral to the test stimulus , and heterosegmental conditioning stimulus was applied in the contralateral trapezius muscle to modulate the nwr 檢測同側和對側的脛骨前肌在刺激間隔、節段性制約刺激變化情況下的測試參數、異源節段性制約刺激作用于對側斜方肌以調整nwr 。

In addition to the above methods , the microsurgical technique with the continuous development of the use of the contralateral becoming free scalp and vascular anastomosis with the method , which is rare bald ipsilateral the gospel 除了以上方法外,隨著顯微外科技術的不斷發展,也漸使用對側游離頭皮與患者的血管吻合的方法,這對同側禿頂者是難得的福音。

Methods : two cohort studies and 16 case ? control studies on this topic were identified . data were scrutinised for use of mobile phone for 10 years and ipsilateral exposure if presented 方法:該研究詳細檢查針對這個主題所進行的兩個世代研究及16個病例對照研究,并且收集使用手機大于十年以及同側暴露(如果有的話)的資料。

Results : in our series , most angiomyolipomas were diagnosed incidentally ( 64 . 1 % ) , and the most - common symptom was ipsilateral flank pain ( 20 . 5 % ) , followed by abdominal pain ( 12 . 8 % ) and hematuria ( 10 . 3 % ) 三十九位病人中十四位術前影像診斷為腎細胞癌,一位為腎旁惡性脂肪瘤,剩馀二十四位腎血管肌脂肪瘤。

Results : in our series , most angiomyolipomas were diagnosed incidentally ( 64 . 1 % ) , and the most - common symptom was ipsilateral flank pain ( 20 . 5 % ) , followed by abdominal pain ( 12 . 8 % ) and hematuria ( 10 . 3 % ) 三十九位病人中十四位術前圖象診斷?腎細胞癌,一位?腎旁惡性脂肪瘤,剩余二十四位腎血管肌脂肪瘤。

Except the fos / cb double - labeled neurons distributed bilaterally , the rest of double - labeled and triple - labeled neurons were found in the ipsilateral injection side predominantly Fos cb雙重標記神經元為雙側對稱分布, fg cb 、 fg fos以及fg cbnos三重標記神經元則以注射區同側為主。

Results : the sonographic manifestations in the ipsilateral course variation vertebral artery revealed that the diameter and flow velocity were decreased , pi and ri were increased 結果:椎動脈走行變異其變異側椎動脈超聲表現為:管徑較窄, pi和ri較高,流速較低。

The lateral approach also can be made with the patient supine by placing a sandbag under the ipsilateral buttock , internally rotating the hip , and inverting the foot 外側人賂同樣也可在患者仰臥位下進行,但需在患側臀部下墊沙袋,內旋患側髖關節,并將足內翻。

Combination of transplantation of the ipsilateral fibula and external fixation device for the treatment of comminuted fracture and bone defects of the tibia and fibula 同側腓骨移植結合外固定器治療脛腓骨粉碎性骨折骨缺損

Conclusion salpingectomy has no effect on ovarian volume in short pe riod , but has detrimental effect on ipsilateral ovarian function 結論輸卵管切除術在短期內雖然不能影響卵巢的體積,但卻降低了同側卵巢的儲備功能。

In addition , it is applied to the condition when cooler are placed to both sides and ipsilateral all 此外,該數值模擬對冷卻器分兩側(長軸的兩端)和集中一側布置兩種情況均可適用。

Management of ipsilateral acetabular fractures and posterior hip dislocation and femoral fractures 股骨干骨折合并同側髖臼骨折與髖關節后脫位的治療體會

All gave increased odd ratios ( or ) , especially for ipsilateral exposure 所有結果的對比值都增加,特別是同側暴露。

Femoral shaft fracture combined with ipsilateral dislocated fracture of hip 股骨干骨折伴同側髖部骨折脫位

The ipsilateral arm should be placed up and behind the head . 同側上肢抬高過頭。