
ipr IPR =intellectual property r...


Comparative study between the ipr system and the government appropriation system of innovation 創新的知識產權和政府資助制度的比較研究

Xian municipal intermediate peoples court released top ten ipr cases in 2006 我公司代理的若干案件被評為當地十大知識產權訴訟案件之一

Thus we can obtain oil - gas - water ipr and each their equations of each layer 而每次的樣品經過實驗室分析,可以得到需要的參數。

The chinese government is firm and resolute in fighting ipr violations 中國政府打擊知識產權違法行為是堅定不移和毫不手軟的。

Houzhai neighborhood office of yiwu city set up working team of ipr protection 義烏市后宅街道成立知識產權保護工作領導小組

Speech by scit , mr john tsang at ipr regional symposium : english only 工商及科技局局長曾俊華出席音樂網站用致辭:只有中文

2 iso ipr policy 這樣會帶來兩個后果。

It also serves to educate the general public on ipr protection 透過大聯盟,海關亦可向市民灌輸保護知識產權意識。

Why does my preview ( ipr ) look drastically different from my final render 我的ipr實時預覽為什么與最終的圖像不一樣?

Customs of mainland , hong kong and macao to strengthen ipr protection 內地海關總署與港澳海關將加強執法保護知識產權

Limitations of china ' s patent law on high - tech ipr protection and reasons 基于專利戰略的科技型中小企業核心能力培育

New charging standards on ipr lawsuit come into force since this april 1 物權法對知識產權中財產權出質作出具體規定

China agrees to improve ipr protection , facilitate increased u . s . exports 第16屆年會的成果。以下是資料全文,由

100th canton fair attached great importance to ipr protection 鱷魚商標侵權案上榜上海2006年保護知識產權十大案件

Apec workshop on effective strategies for ipr public education 亞太經合組織知識產權公民教育策略研討會香港舉行

Wan hui da intellectual property - practices ipr protection department 萬慧達知識產權-部門設置知識產權保護部

Power of attorney , ipr protection 專利代理人委托書

Intellectual property , ipr , patents and standards , patent pool , patent licensing 第5部分,介紹了avs專利池。

Draft ipr - related contracts 起草涉及知識產權的合同