iou n.借據〔由 I owe you. 的讀音縮略轉義而成〕...
n. 借據〔由 I owe you. 的讀音縮略轉義而成〕。 “iou note“ 中文翻譯: 白條”“iou白條“ 中文翻譯: iou note,“issue iou“ 中文翻譯: 打白條“duoplasmatron iou source“ 中文翻譯: 雙等離子體離子源“i owe you (iou)“ 中文翻譯: 欠條;欠單;借據“integer overflow or underflow (iou)“ 中文翻譯: 整數上溢或下溢“iou i owe you“ 中文翻譯: 借據,欠條; 欠債;白條“iou-jih hung“ 中文翻譯: 洪悠紀“issue an iou“ 中文翻譯: 打白條; 道德法庭“write an iou“ 中文翻譯: 打白條“iotzu“ 中文翻譯: 約楚“iotuango“ 中文翻譯: 伊圖安戈“iotu“ 中文翻譯: 約圖“ioualalen“ 中文翻譯: 尤阿拉朗“iotti“ 中文翻譯: 約蒂“ioudarenne“ 中文翻譯: 尤達雷納“iotta“ 中文翻譯: 約塔
iowa |
There are the evolutive course of a long - termes , for university & campus “ s found . some traditional famous universities took hundreds years to consummate themselves , and the growing period is very important to any good university . so , how to organic grow ious to university “ s development , is the ultimately aim for this paper 傳統的著名大學發展到今天,經歷了幾百年的漫長歷程,即使是現代高速“催產”出來的優秀大學,也一樣有它自己的生長周期,而如何建構一個有機的生長模式,使規劃、建筑設計更好地介入大學的建設之中,成為本文研究的最終目標。 |
The revised guideline has taken into account the changes in money laundering legislation since 1993 , including the passage of the organized and serious crimes ordinance “ osco “ in 1994 which extended the money laundering offence to the proceeds of ser ious crimes other than drug trafficking and the subsequent amendments to both osco and the drug trafficking recovery of proceeds ordinance in 1995 which imposed a clear statutory duty to report suspicious transactions 經修訂指引已考慮到自一九九三年以來有關洗錢活動的法例修改,其中包括一九九四年通過的有組織及嚴重罪行條例,把洗錢罪行擴展至包括販毒以外的嚴重罪行收益,以及一九九五年修訂有組織及嚴重罪行條例和販毒追討得益條例,規定舉報可疑交易為法定責任。 |
Issuers collect fund for infrastructure or operation through issuing securities and retain liability at the same time . issuers are obligated to repay the bondholder the principal amount and interest at a specific interval . in the mean time , this liquidized iou is called “ bond “ 當發行人透過發行有價證券,直接或間接地向投資大眾籌措建設經費或營運所需資金,并相對地承擔債務亦即發行人承諾按時支付本金或票面利息給債券持有人之時,該種具有流通性表彰債權之借款憑證,即謂之債券。 |
Especially in our country , from the government to local ity and the professions , the scientific subjects in a i i kinds of research plans , during the course of appraisement , are to be adopted the method of the peer preview with almost no exception . the research purpose of this subject is to classify the scientific subjects according to their objectives and qualities ; to determine a selecting requirement used by the peer experts so as to be fixed in the course of pract i ca i appra i sement under the gu i d i ng i deo i ogy of open , fai rness , impartiality ; to establ i sh var ious appraising standard and real izing measures due to the guide of existing appraise management theory and the principles that the determination of qua i ity should be combined with quantity , so as to make the peer preview system more scientific , more objective , more operational . this article first introduces the basic concept , the essence and the appraisement of the peer preview , then divide the various scientific planning subjects in our country into three parts of the basic research , the appl i cat ion research and spread of the achievement , the industrial subjects 本文首先介紹了同行評議的基本概念、同行評議的實質、同行評議系統的評價;然后,將我國各級各類不同性質、不同目的的科技計劃項目,劃分為基礎研究、應用研究和成果推廣與產業化項目三大類;介紹了科技項目的申報及評審程序;根據不同類型科技項目立項的評審過程,提出了同行評議專家遴選的基本要求,建立了同行評議專家基本情況指標體系及模型,對同行專家評議的工作業績,提出通過評議項目累計數、離散率、命中率和成功率來進行評價;針對不同類型科技項目的特點,建立了較為準確、公正、可靠、可比、現實的評價指標體系;并在此基礎上,提出了若干算法及解決方法;最后,對現階段國內外同行評議研究與實踐中應注意的幾個方面,提出了建議意見與對策。 |
So she knew her time was up . so she called about fifty of her debtors to come next to her death bed , and then told a servant to bring all the papers , the iou papers , in front of them and burned them all in front of them 她知道她的時間到了,就叫了她大約五十個的債務人到她的病床前,然后叫仆人把所有借據都拿出來,當著大家的面燒掉。 |
Current each medium dollar , it is bill signed in acknowledgement of debt of a piece of debt , each pieces of iou is in in each days generation debt interest , and it is benefit rolls benefit ground to increasing 流通中的每一個美元,都是一張債務欠條,每一張欠條在每一天里都在產生債務利息,而且是利滾利地增加著。 |
Level of the jobs : iou ' s students can have a government job , work in embassies and private business , and can even have a political position ( minister , member of parliament ) , etc 工作水準? iou的學生能在政府單位、大使館和私營企業工作,甚至能有政治職位(部長、國會議員)等。 |
And then one of the debtors was feeling very , kind of emotional and said , “ oh , madam , we have not paid you yet , how come you burned all the papers , the iou papers . 其中有一個債務人很感動,就說:哦,夫人,我們并沒有還你錢,為什么你將所有的借據都燒掉了呢? |
The weikang hotel owns suites of rooms , three the world houses luxur - ious pair of bids and luxurious shan rooms , layout is new and original , style is elegant 維康酒店擁有套房、三人間房、豪華雙標及豪華單間,布局新穎、格調高雅。 |
That is what happened at the start of this week as money - market funds sold these ious , causing rates to spike as never before ( see chart ) 這就是本周發生的事,當貨幣市場基金賣出這些欠條,使得利率出現從未有的陡漲(見圖) 。 |
Because different users work in different ways , your system will need to be flexible enough to support their var ious approaches 因為不同的使用者在不同的方面工作,你的系統將會夠有柔性來支援他們的變容體ious接近。 |
A man went to borrow money from his friend . he brought along all the proper writing materials , preparing to write an iou for his friend 有一個人去跟朋友借錢,去的時候也帶了文房四寶,準備寫借據給他的朋友。 |
Employer ' s role : it hardly ever happens that an employer orders an employee to study with the iou . generally the student chooses 雇主的角色:很少雇主會指派職員至iou研習,通常是學生自己選擇的。 |
Since the speed of his writing was relatively slow , his friend suggested , “ ah , no need to write an iou . it s troublesome 因為他寫的速度比較慢,他朋友就說:唉呀,不用寫什么借據,麻煩! |
I > var < / i > ious methods of payment have been developed to cope with different situations in international trade 為處理國際貿易中的不同形勢,各種支付方法便發展了起來。 |
Practice tenses as much as possible . when you learn a new verb , learn its < i > var < / i > ious forms (盡可能多地操練時態。學習一個動詞的時候,要學習它的各種形態。 ) |
Contacts with alumni : generally speaking the iou is not keeping into contact with alumni 與校友的聯系?一般說來iou不保持與校友的聯系。 |
1 an iou that represents debt , improves market flow and price movement 一系表彰債權之借款憑證,具有流通市場與移轉價格。 |
Do you think iou can come 你認為你能來嗎? |