
invulnerable adj.1.不會受傷害的,刀槍不入的。2.無可辯駁的。短...


Therefore , his omnipotence in some way does reflect the weakness of the movie . perhaps it ll better satisfy our curiosity or make the story little more persuasive if the origin of his supreme ability is well unfolded in the end , but it s not the case . throughout the movie we only know dong - shik is invulnerable , but we are never told why he is so powerful , or how he is able to possess his ability . in fact , there are several parts in the middle that attempt to bring in some hints , but then all of these clues are left unanswered 影片中段曾經數次作出一些暗示性的筆觸,令觀眾期待結局將會十分出人意表,以為洪班長會如hye - jin所言是外星球來的王子,或者如hye - jin同事mi - seon ( kimka - yeon )所言,他有過失蹤三年之謎,期間可能曾受傷昏迷后得到超能力,甚至能和雀鳥溝通,可這一切一切,原來都只是編導整人的騙局,都是有頭無尾的過場戲,那當觀眾看到最后,就不免會有點失望了,而洪班長這個角色的神秘感,亦變得蕩然無存。

Only when an enterprise is always aware of the external environment on which its existence and survival depends , understands deeply its internal conditions , pursues the advantage and avoid the disadvantage , develops its strong points and avoid its weak points and formulates its future development strategy can the enterprise establish itself in an invulnerable position in the competition that is becoming more and more furious 在市場經濟條件下,企業是一個開放的系統,企業只有時刻把握其賴以生存的外部環境,并深刻了解自己的內部條件,做到趨利避害,揚長避短,制定著眼未來的發展戰略,才能使自己在競爭日趨激烈的今天,永遠立于不敗之地。

The math model is set up after analyzing the system , two control methods which include variable structure control with filter and neural network discrete variable structure control are adopted on account of the uncertainties of the plant parameter variations , simulation results show the control methods are invulnerable to plant parameter variations and can solve the conflict between “ portability “ and “ sensitiveness “ of vehicle 本文通過對電動助力轉向系統進行動力學分析,建立eps的數學模型,考慮到實際的電動助力轉向系統由于系統參數的變化會引起不確定性,對系統采用帶濾波器的變結構控制和神經網絡離散變結構控制兩種方法,仿真結果表明該控制方法對參數的變化有良好的適應性,同時解決轉向“輕”與“靈”的矛盾。

In ancient days , it was believed that marcasite made one invulnerable and warrior s often wore the stone in battle . marcasite induces mental clarity and aids concentration and memory . crystals of marcasite are reputed to have mind - calming and emotional stabilizing powers which helps on to sleep better , and increase confidence and willpower 由于成本提高、質量下降,手工制作已不適合人們的需要,而轉向機器生產,不再采用傳統的釘鑲技術,改用膠水,打磨粗糙、銀臺變薄,失去了“ marcasite ”原有的韻味,在東南亞甚至作為一種低廉的旅游工藝品。

Perhaps it ll better satisfy our curiosity or make the story little more persuasive if the origin of his supreme ability is well unfolded in the end , but it s not the case . throughout the movie we only know dong - shik is invulnerable , but we are never told why he is so powerful , or how he is able to possess his ability . in fact , there are several parts in the middle that attempt to bring in some hints , but then all of these clues are left unanswered . . 影片中段曾經數次作出一些暗示性的筆觸令觀眾期待結局將會十分出人意表以為洪班長會如hye - jin所言是外星球來的王子或者如hye - jin同事mi - seon kim ka - yeon所言他有過失蹤三年之謎期間可能曾受傷昏迷后得到超能力甚至能和雀鳥溝通可這一切一切原來都只是編導整人的騙局都是有頭無尾的過場戲那當觀眾看到最后就不免會有點失望了而洪班長這個角色的神秘感亦變得蕩然無存。

Therefore , his omnipotence in some way does reflect the weakness of the movie . perhaps it ll better satisfy our curiosity or make the story little more persuasive if the origin of his supreme ability is well unfolded in the end , but it s not the case . throughout the movie we only know dong - shik is invulnerable , but we are never told why he is so powerful , or how he is able to possess his ability . in fact , there are several parts in the middle that attempt to bring in some hints , but then all of these clues are left unanswered . . 影片中段曾經數次作出一些暗示性的筆觸,令觀眾期待結局將會十分出人意表,以為洪班長會如hye - jin所言是外星球來的王子,或者如hye - jin同事mi - seon ( kimka - yeon )所言,他有過失蹤三年之謎,期間可能曾受傷昏迷后得到超能力,甚至能和雀鳥溝通,可這一切一切,原來都只是編導整人的騙局,都是有頭無尾的過場戲,那當觀眾看到最后,就不免會有點失望了,而洪班長這個角色的神秘感,亦變得蕩然無存。

In ancient days , it was believed that marcasite made one invulnerable and warrior s often wore the stone in battle . marcasite induces mental clarity and aids concentration and memory . crystals of marcasite are reputed to have mind - calming and emotional stabilizing powers which helps on to sleep better , and increase confidence and willpower 由于成本提高質量下降,手工制作已不適合人們的需要,而轉向機器生產,不再采用傳統的釘鑲技術,改用膠水,打磨粗糙銀臺變薄,失去了“ marcasite ”原有的韻味,在東南亞甚至作為一種低廉的旅游工藝品。

Fortunately for most adventurers , these nigh - invulnerable guardians are often stationed as sentries and guards for wizards and powerful priests , usually to guard treasure hordes or else to simply guard the mage while he or she is sleeping or using the privy 對大部分冒險者來說幸運的是,這些幾乎無懈可擊的守衛往往是法師或是強大的牧師所設置的守衛或哨兵,他們常常只是在保護藏寶或是在它們的主人睡覺或進行秘密工作時擔任護衛。

Sending kind , understanding thoughts to others creates a beautiful aura around you that makes you invulnerable to lower , coarser thoughts that come from other people 當你對別人發出仁慈、寬容的想法,你的周圍會產生美麗的光能場,讓你不受人們較低等的粗頓思想所傷害。

It is clear that american policymakers have not rendered the united states invulnerable to terrorist attack , particularly small - scale operations 很清楚的一件事是美國的決策者們并沒有使美國變成恐怖主義禁絕之地,特別是對那些小動作防不勝防。

It ' s armor has been destroyed in the blast , has very low hit points , and is no longer disrupting the nukes and is also no longer invulnerable against bullets 它的護甲已經在爆炸中被摧毀,血也很少,已經無法干擾核彈,并且不再對子彈免疫了。

Frost aura - trigger every 2 secs . 300 per second for 5 seconds duration , 100 yards range . can go through any invulnerable status 寒冰光環:每2秒發動一次,持續5秒,每秒300的傷害, 100碼的范圍,能穿過所有的無敵技能

The fact , however , remains that , though seeming a big military power , she is far from invulnerable in her air defense 然而,現實情況仍然是,雖然她貌似一個軍事強國,但是她的空防遠非無懈可擊。

The fact , however , remains that , though seemingly a big military power , she is far from invulnerable in her air defence 然而,現實情況仍舊是,雖然她貌似一個軍事強國,她的空防卻遠不是無懈可擊的

Forward stations are now invulnerable throughout the entire game . only organic ground non - hero units can enter them 前線步兵站位點現在整個游戲里都是無敵的.只有地面非英雄生物能進入

This is also true of any nation in the world - though we oftne think of ourselves as invulnerable 這對于世界上任何國家和民族來說也是真實的? ?盡管我們經常認為我們自己是無懈可擊。

That helps explain why companies seem invulnerable one minute and aimless the next 這有助于解釋為什么很多公司在短時間內看起來無懈可擊,卻緊接著失去目標性。

A spell in the might and magic vi that will turn enemy into stone thus make it invulnerable 一個魔法門六中的魔法,會石化敵人使其不受任何傷害。

They are invulnerable , because no animal can actually kill them 因為沒有動物能實際上殺他們,所以他們是不會受傷害的。