
involuntary adj.1.無意識的,不自覺的。2.非故意的,偶然的。3...


Let us hope so , said the uncle . detestation of the high is the involuntary homage of the low “但愿如此, ”叔父說, “對高位者的仇恨是卑賤者不自覺的崇敬。 ”

Preparation of hard coal - assessment of preparation equipment and processes - part 7 : involuntary breakage 選硬煤.選煤設備和工藝的評定.第7部分:非故意的損耗

For some time he was left alone , an involuntary witness of what was being done at the other tables 有一陣子沒人管他,他無意識地看到了另外兩張臺子上的情形。

Female cultural resource in the involuntary migrants from social and cultural perspective to migrants of minjiang river 閩江水口水庫移民的一個社會文化視角

The involuntary / instant reflex of curling one ' ' ' ' s toes up - right before a horse steps on your foot 無意識地向上收縮蹄子的反應,在踩你的腳之前。

Passepartout , the involuntary cause of this delay , was desperate . he had ruined his master 這都是路路通無意之間造成的,因此路路通感到非常失望。

I gave an involuntary half start at hearing the alias : i had forgotten my new name 一聽這個別名,我不由自主地微微一驚,我己忘了我新起的名字。

It was involuntary , spasmodic , checked , and stifled - he noted that as he turned about 他對哭聲轉過身子,注意到那哭聲抽搐壓抑。難以控制。

This chapter discusses the voluntary and involuntary dual character of eco - migration 在這一部分,討論生態移民兼具的自愿與非自愿雙重性質。

Orgasm consists of involuntary contraction of the pelvic muscles and erotic pleasure 性高潮是產生自骨盆肌肉的自然收縮狀態以及情欲的快感。

This is because that our subconscious mechanisms have control of this involuntary system 這是因為我們的潛意識機能控制了這個不自覺的系統。

To legslate involuntary dangerous conduct criminally should follow four necessary principles 過失危險行為犯罪化應遵循必要的四個原則。

The study of complexity analysis and involuntary herd behavior in securities market investment 證券投資中的復雜性分析與無意羊群行為

More than 100 , 000 elders live alone . some are voluntary , but many more are involuntary 環顧在基層社區生活的長者,尤以獨居長者。

Martin felt the heat in his face of the involuntary blood , and brissenden laughed triumphantly 馬丁臉上發起燒來,只覺得血往上涌。

Second , isolation has been neither complete nor entirely involuntary 其次,一直以來,緬甸并非完全閉關自守,政府也并非全然不顧。

Iv the judicial ascertainment and criminal liability of involuntary dangerous crime 第四部分:過失危險犯的司法認定及刑事責任。

An involuntary trembling or quivering , as from nervous agitation or weakness 戰栗不由自主地顫動或抖動,如由于神經或虛弱等原因

Involuntary resettlement issue during the process of water resource development in india 印度水資源開發過程中的非自愿移民問題