
invisible adj.1.看不見的,無形的。2.不顯眼的,微小得看不出...

invisible empire

It burns with a hot and almost invisible flame 燃燒時發熱,產生不可見的火焰。

Am i invisible ‘ cause you ignore me 因為我渺小(字面“不可見“ )而令你忽視了嗎?

Lt was the first electrochromatic invisible stealth aircraft 這是第一架隱形飛機

Many distant stars are invisible to the naked eye 很多遙遠的星球是肉眼看不到的

From the lyrical , bitch - made niggaz are invisible 擊敗所有的錯擊敗命運這個對手

A secret army who can kill people in the invisible 可以殺人于無形的秘密部隊。

I mean , what , to him , luther ' s the invisible man 對他而言盧瑟是個微不足道的人

Hong kong s visible and invisible trade balance in 2001 綜合有形及無形貿易差額

By purity and abstinence, and the contemplations of his innocent mind, this man had worn thin the evil between that which we see and those great invisible truths . 由于此人禁欲潔身,專一潛心于那些高不可及的真理,他已超脫了塵世間的一切俗念,達到了出神入化的境界。

Delicious fragrance came to them, as if little invisible creatures were running and treading scent out of the blades of grass . 時而聞到一股幽香,就象有許多目不能見的小人在草地上奔跑,把青草的香氣踩了出來似的。

Still working against that invisible resistance in the air, he jerkily pivoted and began to strut toward his car . 天空里無形的阻力還在對他起作用,他很不順當地轉過身子大模大樣地向自己的車子走去。

Over the black tide, from an invisible ship, came the sound of a gramophone playing some popular heartrending tune . 越過黑乎乎的潮水,從一條望不見的船上傳來留聲機放出的令人心酸的流行小調。

Culture asserts its invisible presence on patterns of day-to-day communications in japanese as in american organizations . 在日本和美國的組織中,文化以日常思想交流的方式表明它的無形存在。

He seemed to be in no danger whatsoever, and that made him jumpy because he imagined invisible threats . 無論什么樣的情況,他似乎都沒有碰到過危險,但想到無形的威脅就使他心驚肉跳。

Aunt harriet presided over an invisible army of servants that continuously scrubbed , cleaned , and published . 姑母哈麗特支配著一大群看不見的仆人,他們不停地刷洗、打掃和擦拭。

He seemed to be in no danger whatever, and that made him jumpy because he imagined invisible threats . 無論什么樣的情況,他似乎都沒有碰到危險,但想到無形的威脅就使他心驚肉跳。

Aunt harriet presided over an invisible army of servants that continuously scrubbed, cleaned, and polished . 哈麗特姑母統率著一個無形的仆役軍,他們一刻不停地刷呀,洗呀,擦呀。

A distant lark, invisible in blue light, was flooding the vast realm of the sky with glorious song . 遠處的云雀,消隱在藍天里,但卻使這廣闊的世界充滿了她那歡快動聽的歌聲。

Besides this earth, and besides the race of men, there is an invisible world and a kingdom of spirits . 除了這個塵世,除了人類,還有一個看不見的世界,還有一個神靈的王國。