
investigation n.1.研究,調查;審查。2.研究論文,調查報告。短語和...


In every thing else the etiquette of the day might stand the strictest investigation . 那天的儀式,在其他方面都經得起最嚴格的檢驗。

He wondered if the police investigation would uncover the offending car and driver . 他不知道警察能不能查獲這輛犯法的汽車及駕車人。

Analysis is the rigorous investigation of limiting processes in mathematics . 在數學中,分析是對極限的發展過程進行的精密調查。

In everything the etiquette of the day might stand the strictest investigation . 那天的儀式,在各個方面都經得起最嚴格的檢驗。

The investigation was extended to the study of a three-dimensional granular medium . 將這項研究推廣到對三維顆粒狀介質的考察。

J.r. frederick has carried on investigations in acoustic emission for several years . JR佛萊德里克從事聲學研究已歷多年。

Geological investigations must correctly diagnose a specific soil-like condition . 地質調查必須正確地判斷出明確的土狀條件。

They demanded an investigation of all agreements he concluded on the trip . 他們要求對他出訪期間所達成的全部協議進行調查。

Investigation afterward brought out bufflehead did not even try to draw his gun . 事后調查證明,巴福爾黑德甚至沒有想拔槍。

His contemporaries had begun to confine themselves to specialized investigations . 他同時代的人已開始局限于專門問題研究。

Rumors soon reached the senate; it began an investigation on february 2nd . 謠言立即傳到參議院;參議院在2月2日開始調查。

It's investigations have led to better regulation of public utilities . 它的各項調查促進了有利于公共利益各項立法的誕生。

The later investigations did open up to me a multitude of new points of view . 后來的各種考察卻使我獲得許多新的觀點。

Under no circumstances will i authorize an extension of this investigation ! 在任何情況下,我都不會批準擴大這種調查!

I'm proud of them because that investigation was relentless . 這次調查是毫不留情的,我為他們的清白而感到自豪。

The investigation of dark nebulas has been facilitated by a new discovery . 對暗星云的研究被一種新發現所推進。

Scientists follow no rigid scientific method in their investigations . 科學家調查研究時不遵循一成不變的方法。

Mr. barret is not proficient in diagnosis, let alone investigation . 巴瑞特先生不擅長診斷,更不必提研究方面。

Scientists are conducting an investigation into the causes of the accident . 科學家們就事故的原因正展開調查。