
invest vt.1.使穿;使帶(勛章等)。2.授與,賦予。3.使帶...


Progress of the use of the “ save invest account 應用節用投資戶口的最新進展

If the nation were willing to invest so large a proportion of its national product a substantial share would have gone to make up the housing deficit . 如果這個國家當時就決心投入這么大的國民產值比例的話,那末,可以想象得到將會有很大的份額用以解決住房不足。

For example, we might ask about the effects on income from 1978 to the end of the twentieth century of a decision to invest an extra $10 billion during 1978 . 比如,我們要了解,1978年間增加100億美元的投資,對從1978年到二十世紀來的收入有何影響。

Should foreign private multinational corporations be encouraged to invest in the economies of poor nations and, if so, under what conditions ? 是否應鼓勵外國私人多國公司在貧窮國家的經濟中投資?如應鼓勵,應以什么為條件?

The impact of direct investment on the balance of payments of the investing country is adverse in the short run, helpful in the long . 從短期看來,直接投資對投資國國際收資的影響是不利的,但從長期來看,則是有益的。

Both host countries and investing countries have viewed the international investors as virtually an alien group, with partial justification . 東道國與投資國實際上都把國際投資者看作是一個異己集團,這是有些道理的。

At once he began to shorten sail, to invest only in the soundest securities, and to convert all his weaker ones into cash . 他馬上開始收縮資金,只投資在最可靠的證券上,并把他所有比較不可靠的證券都變成了現金。

Since the end of hostilities, we have invested its substance and its energy in great constructive effort to restore peace . 由于敵對的結束,我們已將本身之物質和能源投資在為恢復和平的強大建設力量中。

I tried to do that very difficult thing, imagine old people young again, and invested with the graces of youth . 我試著作一件很難的事:設想老年人又變成了年輕人,恢復了年輕力壯,風流倜儻的風貌。

Perhaps when enough bureaucratic prestige has been invested in a policy it is easier to see it fail than to abandon it . 也許官僚們把威信押在一種政策上之后,他們就寧可看它失敗,也不愿放棄它。

One has to really believe in organization cares in order to invest the energy and effort needed to help it change . 一個人必須真正地相信組織的管理,才能貢獻出幫助組織變革所需要的精力和努力。

James, too, was much disturbed. he felt as though someone had threatened his right to invest his money at five per cent . 詹姆士也很不開心,他覺得就象有人威脅到他投資五厘的權利似的。

The real piety and benevolence of the simple old man invested him with a temporary dignity and authority, as he spoke . 那忠厚的老者那種虔誠態度和慈悲心腸,頓時使他顯得莊重而威嚴。

The king, as the supreme judge, was believed to have been invested with his office and authority by zeus himself . 人們認為國王作為最高法官,其職責及權力都是宙斯親自賜予的。

American capitalists had invested $867,200,000 in canadian mines, industries, and railroads. 美國資本家投在加拿大的礦業、工業和鐵路方面的資本為八億六千七百二十萬美元。

He had decided that he would go on investing money in the funds until they rose to a hundred francs . 他們決意把所有的收入都投資進去,直到行市漲到一百法郎為止。

The sarcolemma, about 7. 5 nm thick, is a unit-membrane like that investing other cells . 肌纖維膜厚約75毫微米,同包裹著其它細胞的壁一樣,是一層單位膜。

In england he had seized a great mining corporation without investing a shilling . 在英國,他沒有投資一個先令,居然把一家規模宏大的采礦公司弄到了手。

For those who do invest their savings it would normally be in the form of something tangible . 即使他們真的把儲蓄用于投資,一般也以有形資產形式持有。