inveigle vt.誘惑,誘騙,誘陷。 inveigle sb. in...
vt. 誘惑,誘騙,誘陷。 inveigle sb. into (doing) sth. 誘騙某人做某事。 inveigle sb. out of sth. 〔口語〕騙取某人東西。 n. -ment “inveigle - request directly“ 中文翻譯: 誘拐“inveigher“ 中文翻譯: n. 咒罵者,攻擊者。 “inveiglement“ 中文翻譯: 誘騙“inveigh“ 中文翻譯: vi. 痛罵,猛烈攻擊 (against)。 inveigh against bureaucracy 指責官僚主義。 “inveigler“ 中文翻譯: n. 誘騙者,誘陷者,誘惑者。 “invedia ltd“ 中文翻譯: 英弗迪亞公司“inveitable mistake“ 中文翻譯: 不能避免的錯誤“invectively“ 中文翻譯: 非難地“invelenato“ 中文翻譯: 因韋萊納托“invective“ 中文翻譯: adj. 誹謗的,責罵的。 n. 〔pl.〕罵人的話。 a stream of coarse invectives 一連串下流的罵人話。 utter invectives against sb. 痛罵某人。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
inveigler |
As legislative mode is concerned , futures crime should be stipulated in future law ; for criminal system , it is necessary to consider two additional crimes : crime of overdraft transaction of futures and crime of offsetting privately futures contracts ; crime of illegally exercising futures trading and crime of misappropriating margin deposit should be established singly ; crime of inveigling investors to buy or sell futures contracts should be divided into two crime of fraudulent representation about futures information and crime of fraud in futures transaction . so for as criminal punishment is concerned , we should narrow the range of punishment of every crime and add new kinds of punishment against qualifications 就立法模式而言,期貨犯罪宜規定于期貨交易法中;就犯罪體系而言,除增設期貨透支交易罪、私下對沖期貨和約罪外,非法從事期貨交易罪,挪用期貨交易保證金罪應單獨設立,誘騙投資者買賣期貨和約罪宜分解為期貨交易虛假陳述罪和期貨交易欺詐罪;就刑罰配置而言,應縮小同一罪刑罰幅度,增加資格刑種類。 |
Article 181 if an employee of a stock exchange , securities firm , securities registration and clearing institution or securities trading service organization , or a staff member of the securities industry association or the securities regulatory authority intentionally provides false information , forges , alters or destroys trading records or inveigle investors into purchasing or selling shares , his professional qualifications shall be revoked and a fine of not less than rmb30 , 000 but not more than rmb50 , 000 shall be imposed 第一百八十一條證券交易所證券公司證券登記結算機構證券交易服務機構的從業人員證券業協會或者證券監督管理機構的工作人員,故意提供虛假資料,偽造變造或者銷毀交易記錄,誘騙投資者買賣證券的,取消從業資格,并處以三萬元以上五萬元以下的罰款屬于國家工作人員的,還應當依法給予行政處分。構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。 |
Yes , but it was still more the fault of the traitor who , in order to separate him from his master , and detain the latter at hong kong , had inveigled him into getting drunk 費克斯為了要把福克先生和他分開,為了要把福克先生拖住留在香港,就把他路路通弄醉了,因為他已經知道了這個密探的陰謀詭計。 |
“ possibly fifty dollars , “ came the answer . “ though he s lucky if he pulls even on it , or if he can inveigle a publisher to risk bringing it out . “也許五十元吧, ”回答是, “如果他能收支平衡,或是能騙到個出版家冒險給他出版,就算是萬幸的了。 ” |
Its greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests , and even into identifying our very survival with its own 它最大的勝利就是誘使我們相信:它的最大利益,就是我們的最大利益:甚至認為它與我們共相生死。 |
The ultimate fallacy is theological : if god is omniscient and omnipotent , he should not need to be reminded or inveigled into healing someone 最嚴重的謬誤是神學上的:如果上帝是全知與全能的,他不該需要別人提醒或誘騙,才去治愈某人。 |
Scully : mulder , not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy and not everybody is plotting to deceive , inveigle , and obfuscate 史卡利:穆德,并非每件事都是黑暗陰謀的迷宮,也并非每個人都圖謀欺騙、誘陷、使人迷亂。 |
5 inveigling a client into making an unnecessary purchase or sale of securities in order to obtain a commission ; or 五為牟取傭金收入,誘使客戶進行不必要的證券買賣 |
Certainly it was not the count who had inveigled thither that nest of voluptuous idleness 可以肯定,這件給人以安逸淫樂之感的家具不是伯爵添置的。 |
Have your daughters inveigling them to your house . stuff them up with meat and drink 140還說你的女兒們可曾把他們勾引到你家來呢 |
He inveigled them into buying a new car , even though they didn ' t really want one 他誘惑他們買了一輛新汽車,其實他們并不真正需要 |
There , despite himself , he was inveigled into making public his engagement 在那里,盡管他不太愿意,還是受騙公布了他的訂婚。 |
In the main, the eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle kennedy into underwriting it's policies . 總的說來,艾森豪威爾政府并沒有設法誘騙肯尼迪在它的政策上簽字畫押。 |
The saleswoman inveigled the poor girl into buying four hats . 女店員誘騙那女孩買了四頂帽子。 |