
intrigue n.1.陰謀,密謀;詭計。2.私通;勾結。3.(戲劇、小...


Intriguing . teii me more . what ' s your background 有意思。告訴我你的背景。

Or ending well , but i find the middle intriguing .結束得也不匝樣但中間這段挺難忘的

Nevertheless , your presence intrigues me 無論如何,你的出現深深吸引了我。

Intriguing . teii me more . what ' s your background 有意思.告訴我你的背景。

This is a particularly intriguing statement 這是一個相當值得人深思的聲明。

She was intriguing with her sister against her mother 她和妹妹串通搗鬼和母親作對。

I had no idea that broccoli could be so intriguing 我原來還不知道西蘭花是這么神奇

And it should be a place which intrigues you 并且應是能激發你好奇心的地方。

It also poses a couple of intriguing questions 它也帶來了幾個耐人尋味的問題。

All schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure 一切陰謀詭計都是注定要失敗的

There is another intriguing aspect to the case 此案還有另一個耐人尋味的地方。

There are many , many intriguing feats in between 其中有許多、許多迷人的壯舉!

The pictures radioed back by spacecraft that have orbited and landed on mars show a host of intriguing geologic structures . 從圍繞火星運行和在火星上著陸的宇宙飛船所傳回來的照片上,可以看到一大批令人感興趣的地質結構。

As the result of new research unfold, parallels between birdsong and our own speech behavior become more and more intriguing . 隨著新的研究成果的不斷出現,鳥的歌聲和我們人類語言行為之間的類似性越來越引起人們的興趣。

Yet the question of the possibility of life after death has always been, and will always be, an intriguing intellectual problem . 然而,人死后還有生命的可能性的問題一直是、而且仍將是一個吸引人的和需運用智慧的問題。

I have not stressed in this book the many intriguing and fascinating problems in differentiation at the molecular level . 在這本書中,我沒能強調許多引人入勝和富有誘惑力的分子水平的分化問題。

For he did not have the qualities necessary for survival in the midst of a swamp of intrigues and struggles for power . 因為他沒有具備在陰謀和權力斗爭的淵藪中生存下來所必需的本領。

Muttering among themselves for hours, the men developed a deepening sense of intrigue and of brotherhood . 他們一連幾個小時地這么低聲交談,逐漸產生了一種患難與共、同舟共濟的感情。

Adam smith was quite intrigued by the disparity between “value in use“ and “value in exchange“ . 亞當斯密由于區分了“使用價值”和“交換價值”而引起了公眾的廣泛注意。