
intravenous adj.【醫學】靜脈內的,靜脈注射的。 intraven...


The evaluation on the therapeutic effect of intravenous metoprolol on patients with rapid atrial fibrillation 美托洛爾靜脈注射治療快速心房顫動療效評價

Recently it was reported that intravenous il - 2 could reduce left ventricular ejection fraction 目前對il - 2是否能通過中樞對心血管系統起作用知之甚少。

Results : 62 ambushed supernumerary teeth were all extracted successfully under intravenous anesthesia 結果: 62例埋伏多生牙均在靜脈麻醉下順利拔除。

Clinical efficiency of intravenous and oral vitamin c in iron overload patients on maintenance hemodialysis 對維持性血液透析患者鐵超負荷的療效觀察

Intravenous infusions of augmentin may be given in a range of 2 differentintravenous fluids 本品靜脈輸液可以與下列各種靜脈注射液一起使用。

We need to put a tube in to pump his stomach immediately and start an intravenous fluid 我們必須馬上放一條管子到胃里去清洗,并且開始靜脈注射。

It depends on the proper handling of intravenous technique and rigid aseptic technique 老師:這取決于正確的靜脈注射操作規程和嚴格的無菌技術。

Prognosis and therapeutic effect of intravenous thrombolysis on acute myocardial infarction in the elderly 老年急性心肌梗死靜脈溶栓的療效及預后

Efficacy and safety of intravenous labetalol in treatment of elder hypertension emergencies 靜脈滴注拉貝洛爾對老年高血壓急癥療效及安全性的觀察

Treatment of cholera involves the rapid intravenous replacement of the lost fluid and ions 霍亂的治療包括迅速由靜脈注射補充流失的體液和離子。

Intravenous needles for single use is one of the most easily - consumed products in hospital 一次性靜脈輸液針是醫院中消耗量最大的易耗品之一。

The effect of intravenous cyclophospamide therapy on henochschoenlein purpura nephritis of children 環磷酰胺沖擊治療兒童紫癜性腎炎的療效觀察

Superficial thrombophlebitis remains a common complication of continuous intravenous infusion 淺表血栓性靜脈炎是持續靜脈注射的常見并發癥。

Intravenous ketamine combined with epidural anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy 氯胺酮聯合硬膜外麻醉用于腹腔鏡膽囊切除術的療效研究

Study of using ketalar fentanyl atropin diprivan intravenous injection for analgesia of artificial abortion 芬太尼等聯合用于人流鎮痛的研究

Intravenous infusion of qing - kai - ling injection for acute mumps epidemic parotitis in 32 cases 清開靈注射液治療流行性腮腺炎32例療效觀察

Application of self - controlled intravenous analgesia with buprenorphine after spine operations 丁丙諾啡靜脈自控鎮痛在脊柱外科術后的應用

Effect of nursing intervention on acceptance of preschool child patients to intravenous infusion 護理干預對學齡前患兒接受靜脈輸液的影響

Conclusion : therapeutic intravenous emulsions have good prospects of application 結論:藥用靜脈注射乳劑具有重要的實用價值和應用前景。