
intoxicant n.麻醉品;〔尤指〕酒精飲料。adj.使醉的,麻醉的,沉...


The very simple ones like we don t harm the neighbors , we don t kill , thou shall not kill , not commit outside loving relationships and not stealing , et cetera ; and not taking intoxicants , that includes the drugs today . probably the buddha knew , in the 20th century , we would invent cocaine and all that , so he said no drugs 在基督教、佛教、印度教的經典里都有記載這個戒律,比如最簡單的一條是不傷害別人,意即不殺生,還有不邪淫、不偷盜、不喝酒(包括毒品) 。佛陀有可能預知在二十世紀會發明古柯鹼之類及毒品,所以他說不吸毒,包括各種賭博,及使我們執著于物質享受,忘記心靈之旅的東西。

Applause we could live forever in this physical body . yes , practically speaking we could , because god made this physical body very durable , for eternity . it is just that we damage our environment ; we damage our body by overworking , by poisoning it with different kinds of intoxicants , and overtiring it with unnecessary activities and wearing out the mind by all kinds of nonsensical schemes and plans and negative thinking 事實上我們可以永遠活在這個肉體里面,我們真的可以,因為上帝把這個肉體做得很耐用,可以活到永遠,只是我們破壞了自己的環境,而且工作過度破壞了身體,用各種不同的酒和麻藥毒害它,用不必要的活動過度勞累我們的身體,又用各種沒有意義的權謀計劃和否定思想耗損我們的頭腦。

Master pointed out that god makes this body very durable to last for eternity , yet we damage it through overwork , or by poisoning it with various intoxicants or unnecessary activities , and even wearing out our minds by all kinds of nonsensical schemes , plans and negative thinking 師父提到上帝設計這個身體本來是很耐用的,可以長生不老,只可惜我們過度工作,或是用毒品殘害自己,或是浪費精神作無謂活動,甚至還用否定的思考無謂的計畫等等來消耗心力。

She allows anyone who promises to keep the five precepts and to meditate two and half an hours a day for the rest of their lives to receive initiation . the five precepts are “ not to take the life of sentient beings , no stealing , no adultery , no lying and no use of intoxicants . 清海無上師傳心印給求道者,只要他們同意終生持守不殺生不偷盜不妄語不邪淫不喝酒包括不用毒品等五戒吃素每天打坐二個半小時的話,可以印心。

Zhu ziqing ' s prose “ spring “ merges nature spring and the human life spring together , causes article full rich rich in poetic and artistic flavor , presents the abundant early spring vitality , is sending out the intoxicant life fragrant 摘要朱自清的散文《春》把自然界的春天與人類生命的春天融會一起,使文章充溢著濃郁的詩情畫意,呈現出盎然的早春生機,散發著醉人的芳香。

Fourth , no lying . fifth , no use of intoxicants . you may think that whoever wants to be liberated from life and death can keep the five precepts easily , but it s not the case 那是求道者一定要遵守的五個戒律,即是不殺生不妄語不偷盜不邪淫不喝酒包括不用毒品,這就是五戒了。

Okay , and “ refrain from the use of intoxicants . “ m : no drugs 主持人:接著是不喝酒,不用毒品,及不接觸任何使心智激動的書報藥物。

The tear is intoxicant , because it is the love crystallization 有這樣類似的一段:我告訴自己不許哭,不要哭,可我還是忍不住。

Refrain from use of intoxicants 生活的智慧生活的藝術

All societies through the ages have had intoxicants and people will use them whatever the cost . 古往今來一切社會都有麻醉劑,飲用者并不計較耗費多大。

A number of intoxicants are associated with metabolic acidosis . 許多毒性物質可引起代謝性酸中毒。