
intima n.(pl. -mae , -mas) 【解剖學】內膜。


Professor woo and professor sung stated in an article titled “ overweight in children is associated with arterial endothelial dysfunction and intima - media thickening “ in international journal of obesity that overweight , even of mild to moderate degree , in otherwise healthy children is independently associated with the development of vascular abnormalities 在《國際肥胖雜志》 ( internationaljournalofobesity )上刊登題為兒童超重與內皮功能失調和內中膜增厚的關系一文中,胡教授和宋教授指出,正常兒童在生長期身體超重,甚至只是輕中度超重,都足以成為日后引發心血管疾病的另一新的危險因素。

“ endothelial vasodilator dysfunction and carotid intima - media thickening are the early markers of arteriosclerosis , “ explained professor woo . “ in adult obesity , there are many other risk factors such as hypertension and abnormality in lipids metabolism , it is very difficult to delineate the direct effect of obesity to vascular changes . however , it may be easier in children when we can avoid the interference of other risk factors and more precisely isolate the effect of obesity . 血管內皮功能障礙和頸動脈內中膜增厚是反映血管粥樣硬化的早期指標;在成年人中,由于與肥胖并存高血壓、脂肪代謝紊亂等多種因素的相互影響,很難評估肥胖對心血管粥樣硬化性疾病的直接危害關系;在兒童時期進行檢測,就可避開上述的多種其他因素的干擾,更準確地預測出單純肥胖對血管硬化的影響。

Earlier , a multicentre collaborative study by professor woo and his group used a refined sensitive ultrasonographic methodology ( carotid intima - media thickening and arterial endothelial dysfunction ) to document atherosclerosis occurrence . findings indicate chinese in modernized cities such as hong kong , sydney and san francisco have higher risk of heart disease or stroke , as compared with rural chinese in southern china ( pan yu ) . subclinical atherosclerosis in the chinese 在一項多地區的合作研究中,胡教授和他領導的科研小組利用最新的高解像超聲波掃描術,檢測頸動脈內中膜厚度和動脈內皮功能障礙,證實了生活在現代化都市如香港、悉尼和三藩市的華人,患心臟病和中風的可能性較生活在中國南方農村(廣東番禺)的華人為高。

In the april s issue arteriosclerosis thrombosis and vascular biology , published by the american heart association , professor woo found that in 228 healthy subjects who have neither heart disease or diabetes but with “ high normal “ glycemia levels ( or with a number of components of metabolic syndrome ) , carotid intima - media thickening , an important marker for arteriosclerosis , was observed 胡教授在《動脈硬化、栓塞和血管生物雜志》 ( arteriosclerosis , thrombosis , vascularbiology )的文章中指出:在228位尚未發現有心血管疾病亦未診斷為糖尿病患者的健康人中,血糖水平在正常界域但稍偏高(或兼有某些代謝綜合癥) ,其頸動脈內中膜厚度比其他正常人增厚,這是血管硬化病變的一個重要標示。

Conclusion one mechanism of wmt on aso may be its inhibition on arteriosclerosis by way of downregulating the expression of vascular endothelial cells adhesion molecules to decrease the adhesion of monocyte to vec , therefore to inhibit the monocytes migrating into vascular intima to develop foam cells . 2007 vol 結論下調血管內皮細胞黏附分子的表達,減少單核細胞與內皮細胞的黏附,從而抑制單核細胞遷移至血管內膜形成泡沫細胞,抑制動脈粥樣硬化as的形成,可能是溫脈通治療aso的機制之一。

Conclusion one mechanism of wmt on aso may be its inhibition on arteriosclerosis by way of downregulating the expression of vascular endothelial cells adhesion molecules to decrease the adhesion of monocyte to vec , therefore to inhibit the monocytes migrating into vascular intima to develop foam cells 結論下調血管內皮細胞黏附分子的表達,減少單核細胞與內皮細胞的黏附,從而抑制單核細胞遷移至血管內膜形成泡沫細胞,抑制動脈粥樣硬化as的形成,可能是溫脈通治療aso的機制之一。

The follow - up after a year showed that children with sustained controlled diet and regular exercise in the past year thrived better in cholesterol and fasting glucose levels , endothelial function and carotid intima - media measurement , than those with dietary change alone and those who stopped regular exercise . 經過一年的跟蹤研究結果顯示,一年內堅持飲食控制附加運動的肥胖兒童,無論血清膽固醇和血糖水平,血管內中膜厚度和內皮功能的改善都遠較單純調控飲食組及中途放棄運動的組別明顯。

Comparing the highest and lowest quartiles of carotid intima - media thickness , the researchers found that the relatie risk of atrial fibrillation , after adjusting for all potential confounding factors , was 1 . 90 oerall , which broke down to 1 . 61 in men and 2 . 14 in women 比較頸動脈內中膜厚度的最大和最小的四分位數,學者發現針對所有潛在的混雜致病因素進行調整后,房顫的相對風險總的來說為1 . 90 ,分為1 . 61 (男性)和2 . 14 (女性) 。

We prospectively investigated whether measurements of carotid intima - media thickness in the presence or absence of albuminuria in patients with stable chest pain syndromes can be used as a noninvasive test algorithm for prediction of significant coronary artery disease 前瞻性研究穩定性胸痛綜合征患者在有/無蛋白尿時的頸動脈內膜中層厚度測量能否作為預測重要冠狀動脈疾病的一種無創性檢查方法。

On stepwise logistic regression analysis to evaluate their influence with respects to each other , only high fat consumption and lack of job support were independently associated with increased intima - media thickness 研究人員再利用逐步回歸分析法,深入分析每項因素的互動影響,發現只有高脂肪吸取量及缺乏工作上的支援獨立地與頸動脈內中膜加厚有關。

“ among these subjects , age , exercise fat intake and lack of job support , but not the amount of carbohydrate or protein intake were positively correlated to carotid intima - media thickening , “ professor woo reports 研究發現,年齡、運動、脂肪吸取量及缺乏工作上的支援都與頸動脈內中膜加厚有關連,但淀粉質及蛋白質吸取量則沒有關連。

Methods : the patients with carotid atherosclerotic plaques were divided into tiaozhi capsule group and lovastatin group and treated for 6 monthes , compared the carotid intima - media thickness and plaques area 方法:將頸動脈有軟斑塊患者分為調脂膠囊組和洛伐他汀組治療6個月,比較兩組患者治療前后頸動脈內中膜厚度和斑塊大小的變化。

As indices of generalized atherosclerosis , the team recorded the baseline intima - media thickness of the common carotid artery and the presence of carotid plaques using ultrasonography 研究小組使用超聲掃描技術記錄了正常頸動脈內膜中層的基線厚度,以及頸動脈斑塊的存在,作為一般動脈硬化癥的指標。

Wong m , edelstein j , wollman j , et al . ultrasonicpathological comparison of the human arterial wall verification of intima - media thickness . arterioscler thromb , 1993 , 13 : 482 - 486 柴大軍、林金秀,原發性高血壓患者脂餐后甘油三酯代謝異常與頸動脈內中膜復合體厚度的關系[ j ] .中國動脈硬化雜志2002 . 10 . 5

Results : the intima - media thicknesses in both groups were thiner , plaques areas were smaller , some plaques became steady , but no difference between the two groups after treating 結果:兩組患者經治療后頸動脈內中膜厚度有不同程度變薄,斑塊有一定程度縮小,部分趨向穩定,但兩組治療后無明顯差異。

And there are some animal studies suggesting that , but there are not good human studies and there are not studies on cardiovascular intima 現在已有一些動物實驗提示有益,但還尚沒有人體試驗,而且沒有關于心血管內膜的研究。

It was found that someone who lacks job support had 2 . 8 times the risk of a thickened intima - media layer compared with someone with good job support 一個在工作上缺乏支援的人,其內中膜加厚的危險比一個得到支援的人高2

Predicting value of high - sensitive c - reactive protein on progression of common carotid artery intima - media thickness in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes 反應蛋白對新診2型糖尿病患者頸總動脈內中膜厚度進展的預測作用

The report of 1 case of partial calcification of left atrium intima and pericardium in rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis 風濕性心臟病二尖瓣狹窄左心房內膜及心包部分鈣化1例報告