
interview n.1.接見;會見;會談;協商。2.(記者的)訪問;訪問...


The effect on tollifer of this amazing interview was extremely exhilarating . 這次意外的會晤使都力弗感到極端興奮。

I monitor the interview back at leconfield house on the seventh floor . 我在萊肯菲爾德大廈的七層樓上監聽這次會見。

He was shied away from personal revelations in interviews and writings . 他在談話和文章中也避而不談自己的經歷。

The personal appearance and interview of the contestant is another count . 參加比賽者的個人儀表和談話也是一項。

It must not be thought that this type of interviewing is easily learned . 切勿認為這種類型的訪談是容易掌握的。

Hitherto she had felt no dread with regard to the coming interview . 先前,她對于即將進行的會談并不感到害怕。

In reality i was only trying to make the interview easier . 事實上,我只不過是想使會見的氣氛輕松一些罷了。

The interview clears lines of communication of emotional blockage . 訪談可以消除情感交流渠道上的障礙。

My first assignment as a reporter was to interview a professor . 我當記者的第一項任務是訪問一位教授。

When we were seated he opened interview on a formal note . 在我們就座以后,他以正式的口氣開始談話了。

My written interviews with him totaled about 20, 000 words . 我同他談話后寫的訪問記錄就有大約兩萬字。

Shortly after he was detained, i asked jan to interview his wife . 他被拘留不久,我請簡去采訪他妻子。

The ambassador refused to interview journalists or tv men . 該大使拒絕會見任何新聞記者或電視臺記者。

He felt no qualms about using expletives in our interview . 他在同我們會面時用咒罵的話都沒覺得不安。

He does not know how to put himself across at interviews . 他不知道在面試時怎樣把自己的意思講清楚。

They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles . 他們面試了30人,其中有五人符合候選條件。

After the interview they held a press conference together . 會談后,他們共同舉行了記者招待會。

I really mucked up my chances by doing badly in the interview . 我真把機會耽誤了,面試考砸了。

From near and far reporters streamed to interview rontgen . 遠近四方的記者蜂擁而至,采訪倫琴。