intertidal adj.潮間(地)帶的。
adj. 潮間(地)帶的。 “intertidal belt“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶“intertidal community“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶群落“intertidal flat“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶; 潮間坪; 潮間浦“intertidal marsh“ 中文翻譯: 潮間沼澤地“intertidal mudflat“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶泥灘; 灘途“intertidal period“ 中文翻譯: 潮間期“intertidal pool“ 中文翻譯: 潮水坑“intertidal realm“ 中文翻譯: 潮間域“intertidal regime“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶狀況“intertidal region“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶; 潮水浸淹帶“intertidal waters“ 中文翻譯: 潮間帶水域“intertidal zone“ 中文翻譯: 濱海帶; 潮間帶; 潮間地區; 潮間區; 潮汐帶“intertidal flat facies“ 中文翻譯: 潮間浦相“lower intertidal facies“ 中文翻譯: 下潮間帶相“lower intertidal zone“ 中文翻譯: 下潮間帶“middle intertidal zone“ 中文翻譯: 中潮間帶“rocky intertidal habitat“ 中文翻譯: 潮間巖生境“intertia force classifier“ 中文翻譯: 慣性力分級機“interti ue bridge“ 中文翻譯: 組織間橋 挫裂創形成時,由于作用力不相等,常有一部分纖維未發生斷裂, 在兩創壁間形成的聯系稱為組織間橋。“interthreaded marshaling“ 中文翻譯: 線程交互封送; 執行緒交互封送“interthem“ 中文翻譯: 中序“interthecial“ 中文翻譯: 子囊間的
intertill |
( 2 ) along the intertidal zone , the lower of contents of heavy metal exponentially , the farther is from sewage sources . ( 3 ) the concentrations of heavy metal decrease inch by inch from high tidal flat to the middle and low intertidal zone . it is water dynamics that impact on the accumulation features of heavy metals of intertidal 如河套是這五個區域中唯一的非河口區,潮間帶沉積物重金屬含量全灣最低;大沽河1東營鹽場段緊鄰大沽河河口,大沽河2營海段遠離河口,后者重金屬含量普遍低于前者。 |
The area is the largest wetland in hong kong , which is consist of different habitat including shallow bay , intertidal mudflats , mangroves , shrimp ponds and fish ponds . in winter , this wetland support more than 50 , 000 migratory birds ( including extreme critical species , black - faced spoonbill ) 該濕地是本港最大的一片,包含多種不同生境,如淺海灣、潮間帶泥灘、紅樹林、蝦塘和魚塘,在冬季有超過5萬只候鳥在該處渡冬(包括極度極危的黑臉琵鷺) 。 |
The coastal wetlands of china ' s yellow sea , where the satellite - tracked godwits landed , are no exception : large areas of coastline continue to be reclaimed for agriculture , industry , urban expansion and other development ? an estimated c . 37 % of intertidal areas have been lost since 1950 國際鳥盟新聞里有這么一段話:衛星追蹤斑尾塍鷸的停留地? ?中國黃海沿海濕地,也面臨著巨大的威脅:大片海岸土地被持續開發成農田,工業用地和城市建設用地等等。 |
The ecological investigation is carried out during may in 6 lithofacies intertidal zones of yantai littoral regions . 21 species of red alga are found out the investigated regions , there exists the most species at yangma islet ( 11 species ) , while gravel intertidal zone at jingouzhai the poorest , only 3 species 摘要所調查的5月份煙臺海域6基巖潮間帶的紅藻群落由21種紅藻組成,養馬島的種類組成最為豐富( 11種) ,金溝寨最為貧乏,僅有3種。 |
The area is the largest wetland in hong kong , which is consist of different habitat including shallow bay , intertidal mudflats , mangroves , shrimp ponds and fish ponds . in winter , this wetland support more than 50 , 000 migratory birds including extreme critical species , black - faced spoonbill 該濕地是本港最大的一片,包含多種不同生境,如淺海灣潮間帶泥灘紅樹林蝦塘和魚塘,在冬季有超過5萬只候鳥在該處渡冬包括極度極危的黑臉琵鷺。 |
Cape d aguilar is situated on the southeastern tip of hong kong island . despite its tiny sea area of 20 ha , the area possesses a rich marine biodiversity i . e . corals as well as a diverse and various marine life and is unique in its intertidal habitats and corals 鶴咀位于港島的東南端,雖然面積只有20公頃,卻擁有多不勝數的海洋物種,包括珊瑚及各種海洋生物,及獨特的潮間帶生境及珊瑚群落。 |
Although their range is from intertidal to about 400 meters in depth , and some species can be found in the depth of 1465 meters , the species of mitridae usually distribute hi warm and shollow waters , often habit in the bottom of sand , mud and coral reef 世界上許多國家對筆螺的研究已經比較系統,大部分種類及其分布范圍已經摸清,近些年來也不斷有新屬和新種被報道( turner , hans , 2001 ) 。 |
The main channel of shing mun river was slightly better , graded fair , but it suffered from the pollution load coming from its tributaries , and its self - cleansing capabilities were limited due to its very weak flow in the intertidal area 城門河主河道的情況稍好,水質等級為普通,但因受到支流污染物的影響,加上潮汐水流緩慢,凈化能力不足,因此當時城門河里幾乎沒有水生物棲息。 |
Shuen wan marsh is located on the middle north shore of tolo harbour and consists of diversified habitats such as intertidal mangrove habitats , mudflats , brackish tidal ponds with sedges and phragmites , a freshwater stream and fung shui woods 船灣沼澤位于吐露港北岸中部,擁有多樣化的生境,包括潮間帶紅樹林泥灘長有莎草及蘆葦的咸淡水潮汐河塘一條淡水河流及風水林。 |
Woods , hill streams , mangroves , intertidal mudflats , sandy shores , rocky shores and coral communities and vivid photographic records of a rich array of flora and fauna in hong kong . glossary and game card hard and soft copies 11張全彩色,圖文并茂的展板,闡述香港自然環境的變化,內容包括介紹高地灌叢風水林河溪紅樹林潮澗帶泥灘沙灘巖岸及珊瑚群落等生態環境。 |
Intertidal flat is a place where seawater constantly rises and falls . as a vanguard zone where sea and land interact , the features of intertidal flat are largely on behalf of the characteristics of its own coast 潮灘是海岸帶中的海水漲落地段,時而出露水面,時而被海水淹沒,它作為海陸交互作用的前鋒地帶,其特征在很大程度上代表了所在海岸的性質。 |
2 . the pollution assessment of the heavy metals from the intertidal sediments of jiaozhou bay ( 1 ) the heavy metals in intertidal sediment are mainly derived from river , it also can be influenced by water dynamics ?二、膠州灣潮間帶沉積物重金屬的污染評價1 .通過各區域沉積物重金屬之間相關性的對比,得出其不同的主要原因是各區域重金屬污染源不同。 |
The north lantau coastline is unique with a range of sensitive and undisturbed habitats , such as seagrass beds , mangroves , and natural intertidal , brackish marsh , and terrestrial habitats such as fung shui woodlands 北大嶼山沿岸是本港獨一無二的地方,擁有多種敏感且未受滋擾的生境,如海草叢紅樹林天然潮間帶咸淡水沼澤及如風水林等陸地生境。 |
In general distribution above the average low tide , extended upward to the composition of the substance or a significant change in topography of the area , namely the high tide line , also known as the intertidal zone or the waterfront 一般分布在平均低潮線以上,向上延伸到組成物質或地形有顯著變化的地帶,即高潮線處,也稱潮間帶或海濱。 |
3 . analyse the correlation between soil water content and spectral reflectance of intertidal flat , and gain the best band to monitor soil water content by remote sensing . 4 對實測潮灘土壤水分與實測潮灘土壤光譜反射率進行了統計相關分析,得出了可見光及近紅外波段范圍內土壤水分遙感監測的最佳波段; 4 |
The long coastline of hong kong means that intertidal habitats are varied . in sheltered inlets where there is little or no wave action and the shore is gently sloping , mangroves are found 香港綿長的海岸線形成不同類型的潮間帶生境,在不受或較少受浪潮沖擊的遮蔽海灣坡度平緩,可找到紅樹林。 |
“ the whole wetland park , which will cover an area of about 64 hectares , will comprise a freshwater lake , demonstration fish ponds , gei wai ( intertidal shrimp ponds ) and a visitor centre 蘇炳民續說:第一及第二期濕地公園占地共六十四公頃,將設有淡水湖、示范魚塘、基圍和訪客中心。 |
Because the intertidal main channel of the shing mun river suffers from a very weak flow , pollutants have tended to build up in the sediment , leading to low levels of dissolved oxygen 城門河主河道的潮汐水流緩慢,污染物容易沉積在河床淤泥里,引致溶解氧水平下降,河水散發出惡臭。 |
Summary the models of soil water content monitoring at present , and build the model of soil water content monitoring in the exposure intertidal flat . 5 分析目前常用的土壤水分遙感監測模型及優缺點,并在此基礎上建立了研究區出露潮灘土壤水分的遙感監測模型; 5 |