
intersect vt.橫斷,橫切,和…相交。 The line AB i...


A special solution about a problem of three lines intersecting at a same vertex 一道三線共點題的獨特證法

The pluralistic intersect discemination of the cultrue of ming and qing dynesty 多元交叉傳播的明清文化

To intersect with the current region 要與當前區域交叉的

A permission object to intersect with the current permission object 與當前的權限對象相交的權限對象。

Because two users never intersect , this method is not useful for 因為兩個用戶永不相交,所以此方法對于

Ab and cd intersect at ( the point ) p Ab線和cd線在p點相交

The re - intersected spaces change the long lasted single pattern 重新分割的空間,改變許久以來的單一

Some of the orbits of the asteroids intersect the orbit of earth 有些小行星的軌道與地球的軌道相交。

One theorem of s - intersecting problem 交族問題中的一個定理

The lines ab and cd intersect at e 直線ab與直線cd相交於e點

Determines if this rectangle intersects with 確定此矩形是否與

And an intersect operation appears as a , intersect運算顯示為

Application of plc in railway and highway intersect transport 在鐵路和公路交叉口交通管理中的應用

Determines whether a ray intersects the volume of a bounding box 確定光線是否與邊界框體相交。

To the portion of its interior that does not intersect with the specified 更新為其內部與指定的

Study of the vehicle fuel consumption on city road intersects 城市道路交叉口的車輛運行油耗研究

Application of gas drainage intersect - drill in zhongmacun mine 中馬村礦瓦斯抽放交叉鉆孔的應用

Theoretical analysis on the intersecting line of cylinder and cone 圓柱與圓錐相貫線的理論分析

Method for joining intersected contour lines intelligently 分幅等高線拼接的智能化處理方法研究