interlocutor n.(fem. -tress, -trice, -tri...
n. (fem. -tress, -trice, -trix) 1.對話者,參加交談的人。 2.美國滑稽戲中由白人扮演黑人和引人發笑的配角。 “interlocutors“ 中文翻譯: 雙方談判人員“interlocutiones“ 中文翻譯: 裁決,中間裁決“interlocutory“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.對話的,對話體的;插在對話中的。 2.插入的,插話的。 3.【法律】(判決等)在訴訟期間宣告的,非最后的。 interlocutory wit 對話中插入機智話[打趣話]。 an interlocutory divorce decree 宣布離婚判決書。 “interlocution“ 中文翻譯: n. 對話,會話,交談。 “interlocutory appeal“ 中文翻譯: 非正審上訴; 中間上訴“interlocus recombination“ 中文翻譯: 座位間重組“interlocutory application“ 中文翻譯: 訴訟中間的申請“interlocus interaction“ 中文翻譯: 基因座間相互作用“interlocutory award“ 中文翻譯: 在仲裁程序進行中所作的非最后裁決“interlocus gene action“ 中文翻譯: 基因座內基因作用
interlocutory |
May it be right then , i said , as i rose , deeming it useless to continue a discourse which was all darkness to me ; and , besides , sensible that the character of my interlocutor was beyond my penetration ; at least , beyond its present reach ; and feeling the uncertainty , the vague sense of insecurity , which accompanies a conviction of ignorance “那就說愿它對吧,我說著站起來,覺得已沒有必要再繼續這番自己感到糊里糊涂的談話。此外,我也意識到,對方的性格是無法摸透的,至少目前是這樣,我還感到沒有把握,有一種朦朧的不安全感,同時還確信自己很無知。 ” |
Your garb and manner were restricted by rule ; your air was often diffident , and altogether that of one refined by nature , but absolutely unused to society , and a good deal afraid of making herself disadvantageously conspicuous by some solecism or blunder ; yet when addressed , you lifted a keen , a daring , and a glowing eye to your interlocutor s face : there was penetration and power in each glance you gave ; when plied by close questions , you found ready and round answers 你的服裝和舉止受著清規戒律的約束你的神態往往很羞澀,完全是那種天性高雅絕不適應社交的人,很害怕自己因為某種失禮和錯誤而出丑。但一旦同你交談,你向對方的臉龐投去銳利大膽閃亮的目光。你的每個眼神里都有一種穿透力。 |
That was obvious from the pointed comments of wu yi , the stern vice prime minister and principal interlocutor in these sessions , who many times criticized americans for not understanding china ' s situation as a country that has had to rely on exports to develop and needed time to transform its economy away from that model 這一點從嚴厲的副總理、中方首席協商者吳儀的話中展露無疑,她多次批評美國人不了解中國國情-必須依賴出口促進發展,即便經濟轉型也需要時間。 |
In washington , mr tang will call on the us trade representative , mr bob zoellick , commerce secretary , don evans and the under secretary of state for economic , business and agricultural affairs , mr alan larson . he will also be meeting other key interlocutors from the government , think tanks and business bodies 在華盛頓,唐英年將分別與美國貿易代表策利克( mrbobzoellick ) 、商務部長埃文斯( mrdonevans )和負責經濟、商務及農業的副國務卿羅信( mralanlarson )會晤,亦會與其他來自政府、智囊團及商業團體的人士會談。 |
Responding to the media , sir stern said : “ our discussions with chinese interlocutors are about the practical implications of finance and technology there is a sense of urgency in china and a concern for the very practical issues of finance and technology 斯特恩在回應媒體時說: “我與中國方面相關人士的交流不僅僅是經濟方面的,還涉獵了金融和科技領域中國人民正迫切關注著金融和科技領域的一些極具現實意義的問題。 |
He threw an odd eye at the same time now and then at stephen s anything but immaculately attired interlocutor as if he had seen that nobleman somewhere or other though where he was not in a position to truthfully state nor had he the remotest idea when 他還不時地朝斯蒂芬那個無論如何也說不上是衣著整潔的談話對手投以異樣的目光,覺得他好像在什么地方見過那位“貴族” ,但又說不清究竟是在哪兒見的。 |
Negotiation , which in sla refers to various kinds of interactional modification made by the learners and their interlocutors in order to deal with communication problems , affects the quantity and quality of the target language input and output 摘要“協商”在sla研究中指學習者與其對話者為克服交際障礙而做出的各種會話調整或修飾,它直接影響目的語輸入和輸出的質與量。 |
I met him in beijing when the president was in beijing last year and then met him again when he came to washington and hosted a lunch for him at the state department , and i found him to be a very engaging interlocutor 我在總統過去一年訪問北京的時候同他在北京見過面,后來,又在他訪問華盛頓時同他見了面,并在國務院設午宴招待他。我發現他很善于交談。 |
It ' s my subsequent idea to interpret the two seemingly irrelevant books , i . e . 512 ways of observing the world and upanishad , under one title searching for interlocutors 一把兩個看似不相干的作品( 《觀察世界的512種方式》 、 《奧義書》 )放在一個題目下( 《尋找對話者》 )闡釋,是我后來的想法。 |
Tess s attention was thus attracted to the dairyman s interlocutor , of whom she could see but the merest patch , owing to his burying his head so persistently in the flank of the milcher 苔絲這時候才注意到和老板說話的那個人,由于他把頭緊緊地埋在奶牛的肚子上,苔絲看見的只是他身體的一部分。 |
According to the aristotle ' s viewpoint , the language feeling of argument was the appropriate reaction of the interlocutor to how the propositional truth condition was express by the language 摘要在亞里士多德的視野中,論證語感是交往會談者對語言如何表達命題及其真值條件的適當反應。 |
I just encouraged all of my interlocutors today to keep an open mind with respect to dialogue and to take every opportunity that comes along to increase cross - strait dialogue 我只是鼓勵今天同我會談的每位談話者在對話問題上不要有任何先入之見,而應抓住一切機會增加兩岸對話。 |
His interlocutor understandably disqualifies these reasons as irrelevant to the content and value of the lecture , and the development of mathematics is left undisturbed 他的對話者,馬上能了解并判定,這些理由與演講的內容跟價值不相干;故,數學的發展不會被干擾到 |
At the risk of her own was the telling rejoinder of his interlocutor none the less effective for the moderate and measured tone in which it was delivered 他的論敵富于說服力地駁斥說:這可是冒著自己喪失生命的危險!盡管說話的語調溫和而有分寸,仍然擊中了要害。 |
Tess hastily explained that he had been called away on business , and , leaving her interlocutor , clambered over the garden - hedge , and thus made her way to the house 苔絲急忙向她解釋,說他出門辦事去了,說完就離開那個問話的人,穿過花園樹籬的門進屋去了。 |
Some of mr wen ' s interlocutors in cebu , including australia , japan and south korea , have since joined a chorus of western criticism 與溫先生一同參加宿務峰會的部分各國代表,包括澳大利亞、日本和韓國在內,也加入了西方對中國的指責。 |
Communication must take place at an optimal rate of information in a language that is appropriate to the interlocutor and the situation 溝通必須達到最好的效率,并經由一種適合對話者及當時情境的語言,來傳達適當的訊息。 |
The fact that pontiffs wear two hats , temporal and spiritual , gives them , and their interlocutors , a certain flexibility 教皇頭戴世俗與精神這兩頂帽子的事實為他們及其對話者提供了某種靈活性。 |
July 1993 ? july 2003 : teacher of english in the foreign languages college , huaqiao university ; bec interlocutor / assessor 7國立華僑大學外語學院教師;英國劍橋商務英語證書( bec )口試考官。 |