
interior adj.1.內的;內部的;室內的 (opp. exter...

interior angle

It has been difficult to solve problems associated with the thermal protection of the interior chamber walls . 在解決燃燒室內壁表面隔熱問題上曾經遇到困難。

The large hotel chains employ architects and interior decorators who specialize in hotel work . 大型旅館連鎖聘有對旅館業務有專門知識的建筑師和內部裝璜師。

Although the nuclear energy supply in the interior of the star is very large, it is nevertheless finite . 雖然一顆恒星內的核能儲備非常大,但終究是有限的。

Carbon black is an opacifier which prevents radiant energy transmission to the interior of the propellant . 炭黑是不透明的,可以防止輻射熱傳到推進劑內部。

When the men went there to do it up they found the interior of the house in a state of indiscribable filth . 工人們到那兒作工時發現屋里骯臟不堪。

While karen was speaking, josie lifted down two lengths of steel channel from the van's interior . 凱倫說話的時候,喬西從汽車內部取下兩根鋼槽。

I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires . 我思想遲鈍,而且滿腦子清規戒律,這都對我的情欲起著剎車的作用。

Theorists specializing in stellar interiors were turning to more challenging problems . 專攻恒星內部的理論家們都想改行去搞更能引起爭議的問題。

However the rigidity argument applies only to the outer few hundred km of the moon's interior . 然而,這種剛性的論斷只適用于月球外層幾百公里。

He raised his body by main force until his eyes commanded the interior of the room . 用足力氣把身子撐了上去,直到他的眼睛能看到房間的內部。

Blight is usually not very serious on young trees in the interior valley of california . 疫病在加利福尼亞內部谷地的核桃幼樹上通常不很嚴重。

In his poem, every sentence and every passage tells of an interior not always seen . 在他的詩里,每一句每一節都有往往在表面上看不到的內蘊。

Once we settled on the styling, we had to make some basic decisions about the interior . 式樣一定下來,我們就要對內部裝璜作出基本的決定。

A house furnace prevents the interior of the house from reaching the temperature outdoors . 家用的取暖爐可用來防止室內溫度降為室外溫度。

The bustling interior radiated with enormous, engulfing waves of fun and warmth . 里面是熙熙攘攘,洋溢著淹沒一切的一片熱烈的歡樂氣氛。

From the accurate theory of stellar interiors one can establish such a dependence . 根據精確的恒星內部結構理論,可以建立這種關系。

The interior of the tube must be kept a hard vacuum to preserve the photo cathode . 顯象管內部一定要保證高真空才能保護光電陰極。

During the next few days the troops push forward into the interior of anopopei . 接下來的幾天中,部隊向阿諾波佩島腹地推進。

They proceeded at once to extract the interior mould, clearing out the boring of the piece . 他們立時動手掘砂模,掏清炮筒。