
interfaith adj.在信仰不同的人之間的,涉及各種信仰者的。


1993 , fellow initiates were helping master with a disaster relief effort for the raging fires in laguna beach , california . master had been invited to speak at an interfaith prayer ceremony on behalf of the fire victims . among the buddhists , hindu , christian and other faiths , there was also thomas one wolf , a native american elder from the saquamish the tribe of the famous chief seattle in washington state , representing the native american cultures 年師徒一起參與加州拉古納海灘火災救災工作,師父受邀代表受災者在一個跨信仰的祈禱儀式上演說,在場有佛教印度教基督教和其它宗教的代表,其中來自圣奎密史華圣頓州著名的西雅圖酋長的部落的美國原住民長者湯瑪斯萬渥夫,代表美國原住文化出席了此次祈禱儀式。

The orange county area near la has a very large homeless population , so we also went to the catholic worker soup kitchen , veteran s homeless shelters , and the orange coast interfaith shelter in orange county to share master s love with the residents 因為洛杉磯附近的橘郡區也有許多無家可歸者,所以我們專程走訪位于該區的天主教慈善餐廳退役軍人收容所橘郡海岸聯合信仰收容所,與各收容所中無家可歸者分享師父的圣愛。

The purpose of the interfaith council is to share the time allotted by rogers cable television for horizon , a community tv series that airs each sunday morning with programs focusing on various religious pursuits and teachings 這個組織由各個靈性及宗教團體的人士所組成,一起共用羅杰斯有線電視臺宗教信仰節目地平線的播放時間。地平線是一個社區電視節目,每周日上午播放各宗教的教理。

Her interfaith work has included being a member of the advisory group set up to assist on the faith aspects of a range of golden jubilee events , and she also helped organise the golden jubilee young people s faith forum 這個網絡是一個咨詢團體的一部分,主要工作包括在一系列五十周年紀念活動中協調人與人之間的信仰溝通。克萊伯特里女士也協助組織過五十周年青年信仰論壇。

In order to broadcast master s video lectures on television , our organization recently became a member of the horizon interfaith communication media council , which consists of people representing diverse religious and spiritual groups 為了能夠在電視臺播放師父講經的錄影帶,我們小中心最近參加了地平線宗教信仰交流委員會。

He also offered the chakrasambhara and green tara initiations at tergar monastery , and was a buddhist representative at the interfaith ceremony commemorating the enlightenment and parinirvana of lord buddha 2550 years ago 在這里,特別要多謝dorophy對kkcw網站讀者的看護,沒有她的關注與支持,大家最終可能看不到此批法照

Master ching hai with thomas one wolf , an american indian elder from the saquamish tribe , at an interfaith prayer ceremony in laguna beach for the fire disaster in southern california in 1993 一九九三年清海師父與湯瑪斯萬渥夫美國圣奎密史印地安族長者在拉古納海灘為南加州火災舉行的聯合宗教祈禱大會上。

Manoj has received training and guidance from prestigious yoga institutions in india . he graduated from swami rama institute of meditation and interfaith studies , rishikesh 馬諾基教練曾在印度多家著名的瑜伽學院接受培訓。他畢業于位于瑜伽圣地瑞詩凱詩的喜馬拉雅國際瑜伽科學和哲學學院。

The asia - europe meeting interfaith dialogue , under the framework of the asia - europe summit , concluded on thursday in nanjing , capital of east china ' s jiangsu province 于亞洲峰會框架下舉行的“亞歐不同宗教信仰間對話”于周四在中國東部的江蘇省省會南京市落下帷幕。

The interfaith dialogue aims to help build mutual understanding between asians and europeans in the fields of interfaith and inter - religious relations 此次“亞歐不同宗教信仰間對話”的宗旨是增強亞歐大陸上不同宗教信仰之間的相互理解,促機不同宗教間的相互聯系。

In the meantime , hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims 同時,預計有上百人今天將參加一個由不同宗教團體組織的紀念遇難者的活動。

They still try to discourage intermarriage , but once it occurs , they tend to welcome new interfaith families 他們仍然盡量不鼓勵異族婚姻,但一旦既成事實,他們便歡迎這些多信仰的家庭。

Look for the treasures that are waiting to be discovered in science , medicine , and interfaith activities . 看看在科學醫學宗教的范疇可發現的寶藏,尋找那隱藏的寶藏,成為它的一部份。

In the meantime , hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims 同時,上百名群眾希望參加今晚為遇難者舉行的跨越宗教信仰的紀念會。

In the meantime , hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims 與此同時,許多人正等待著今晚的死者紀念儀式,儀式無宗教派別之分。

In the meantime , hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims 同時,上百人希望參加今天晚上為犧牲者舉行的不同宗教間紀念活動。

In the mean time hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims 同時,數百人將參加今晚悼念遇難者的超越宗教類別的紀念儀式。

Master and a small group of friends at thomas home in laguna beach , following the interfaith prayer ceremony 聯合宗教祈禱大會之后,師父與一群朋友于拉古納海灘湯瑪斯的家中。

In the meantime , hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims 同時,成百上千的人們期待參加今晚為遇難者悼念儀式。