
interdiction n.1.禁止;制止。2.【軍事】閉鎖,阻斷。短語和例子a...


It was suspected during the investigation that the examiner had solicited bribes from the two casino supervisors as a reward for offering a substantial reduction in their sentences . the supervisors were required to pay m 40 , 000 each to the examiner who , in return , would reduce their interdiction to a one month term or even allow them to pay a penalty in lieu . they subsequently reported the solicitation to the ccac and acting on their instructions , one casino supervisor proposed to the officer that he make an initial payment of m 15 , 000 and settle the remaining amount after the discipline enquiry was concluded 案情懷疑該公務員負責紀律調查期間,向該2名稽查員索取賄款,以作為在處理該案時,將有關的處罰予以大幅減輕,分別由停職數月減至1月,或由罰款替代,但每人須付澳門幣4萬元,后減為二人合共給付澳門幣7萬元,有關人士遂向廉署作出舉報。

Fifthly , to conduct the management work of safety production in a down - to - earth manner ; explore actively the safety management modes that are adaptable to modern enterprise system , carry out strictly the safety production responsibility system , focusing on the safety management work of key positions , important equipments and facilities in telecommunication to prevent the occurrence of material interdictions of telecommunication and accidents with casualties 第五,扎扎實實做好安全生產管理工作。積極探索與現代企業制度相適應的安全管理模式,嚴格落實安全生產責任制,抓好通信重點部位、重要設備、設施的安全管理工作,防止重大通信阻斷和人身傷亡事故的發生。

Then the article introduces the design and realization of user level monitor module and kernel level monitor module detailedly , including how to realize the system clipboard monitor , the file motion control , file print job interdiction , and the directory share monitor in system ’ s user level , how to realize the process accessing filter , the process privilege control , the file encryption and decryption in system ’ s kernel level 本文詳細給出了用戶層監控模塊和內核層監控模塊的設計和實現,包括如何在操作系統用戶層實現系統剪貼板監控、文件移動控制、共享目錄監控、文件打印阻斷等,如何在內核層實現進程訪問過濾、用戶進程權限控制、文件透明加解密功能。

Chapter one interdiction in this chapter , it briefly discusses the obtaining employment condition of colleges and universities graduates together with the significance and method of researching the obtaining employment model of colleges and universities graduates and its market operating system 在這一章里,論述了高校畢業生就業的概況及對高校畢業生就業模式和市場運行機制研究的意義內容和方法。

As the commission of crimes by criminals using firearms remains a problem of considerable public concern , the police will therefore continue to take enforcement actions against violent crime , especially the interdiction of illegal firearms into hong kong 由于犯罪份子利用槍械犯案仍然是最令市民關注的問題,所以今年警隊將繼續積極打擊這類暴力罪案,特別加強堵截黑槍流入本港的工作; (二)

They were the ones who had interdiction , possibly they were also the ones who knew exactly what was going on , and that the countries themselves decided to close their eyes to smuggling to turkey and jordan because they were allies , he said 這兩個國家可以予以阻止,而且這兩個國家可能知道到底發生了什么。是他們自己決定對伊拉克在土耳其和約旦的走私活動視若無睹,因為他們是盟國

Our national drug control strategy , and in particular its illicit drug interdiction aspects , are thus not a problem isolated from , or in any conflict with , the most fundamental imperatives of our entire foreign policy 總統的對策則是以果斷而堅決的態度,積極復蘇國內經濟。柯林頓總統減輕中小企業和勞動家庭的稅負,降低持續增加的赤字,以釋出資金供儲蓄和投資之用。

He added that on the interdiction of the influx of firearms , police would enhance intelligence exchange and maintain close cooperation with mainland , macau and overseas enforcement agencies with a view to preventing serious crimes from occurring 在堵截槍械流入方面,我們會加強與內地、澳門及海外執法機構在情報交流及保持緊密合作,以阻止嚴重罪案發生。

These included the interdiction of illegal firearms , the neutralization of armed - robbery syndicates , the cracking of psychotropic drugs trafficking and combating illegal activities of triad societies , especially their financial sources 無論在堵截黑槍,瓦解持槍械劫集團,打擊精神科毒品以及打擊黑社會非法活動,特別是斷?黑社會收入來源方面,非常有效。

While some of the drug interdiction activities addressed by this hearing that respond to goal iv occur from within our borders , shielding a nation s frontiers demands the cooperation and assistance of the governments beyond them 一)在美國大力支持之下,經濟合作暨發展組織五月間在巴黎同意,每一會員國必須剔除海外賄款的稅負扣除資格。

Nigeria put measures in place to increase the effectiveness of the national drug law enforcement agency , and also arrested a trafficker wanted by the united states , which met the agreed - upon interdiction targets 總統贊揚荷蘭在反毒品方面的努力,但對該國在跨國法律援助和引渡方面存在的障礙表示關切。

The department has taken many actions and supported many programs and projects that have contributed importantly to the success of interdiction programs and the agencies that fund and operate them 美國政府與民間合作推動這些工作,正是因為美國人民的興旺及我們未來對世界的影響力,有賴這些工作的成功。

We presume that the mechanism of the composition may has nothing to do with the ca2 + interdiction . and the real mechanism needs further research 我們推測鈣拮抗劑硝苯地平對細辛的鎮痛協同作用機制可能與鈣拮抗無關。但其機制有待進一步研究。

Our border and non - border interdiction programs are the right and responsibility of any government to protect its borders and its citizens 內人和我對于過去三年來受到各方的厚愛,感到衷心的感謝。

The department of state is not , as such , an interdiction agency . it does not itself run large interdiction operations 美國公司活躍在這整個地區,而且美國產品與服務的口碑持續上升。

Chinese cooperation on a range of issues , from peacekeeping to drug interdiction to the korean peninsula would be injured 美國人可能因此覺得更有立場來報仇雪恥,該留下來把仗打完。

This class of u . s . - supported source country interdiction has a fundamentally different strategic purpose 在結束今晚的演講之前,我想表達一下個人心中的感受。

Hon eric li raised a question on interdiction of civil servants during disciplinary proceedings 李家祥議員就公務員因接受紀律聆訊而被停職的事宜提出質詢。

In addition to patrol duty , blastboats are dispatched for planetary defense and interdiction missions 除了例行巡邏,炮艇還被賦予行星防御和封鎖的任務。