intercommunion n.1.【宗教】各教派間共同舉行的圣餐。2.各教派之間的...
n. 1.【宗教】各教派間共同舉行的圣餐。 2.各教派之間的思想感情交流。 “intercommunion in research“ 中文翻譯: 學術交流“translate intercommunion“ 中文翻譯: 翻譯交流“intercommunicator“ 中文翻譯: 內部通信機“intercommunity“ 中文翻譯: n. 公用,共有,共同參加。 adj. 共同體間的,共通性。 “intercommunications distribution box“ 中文翻譯: 船內通信配電箱“intercommunity highway“ 中文翻譯: 社區間公路“intercommunication unit“ 中文翻譯: 內部通話裝置“intercompany balance“ 中文翻譯: 公司之間的債項結余“intercommunication telephone set“ 中文翻譯: 電話對講機組; 對講電話機“intercompany balances“ 中文翻譯: 公司間結余“intercommunication telephone“ 中文翻譯: 對講電話機; 內部電話
intercommunity |
With the far - going of the degree of economic globalization and financial liberalization , the international insurance industry has been developed simultaneously , which functions as providing economic guarantee for the cross boarder commercial and civil intercommunion . especially those insurance business , its insurance contract involving more than one foreign elements , and then , relating to more than one country ' s legal systems , have taken on a complication trend 一方面國際保險業務數量增加,另一方面由于經濟發達、科技進步,人類活動領域的拓展,保險產品的種類也更加豐富,尤其是國際保險合同的主體、客體以及內容涉及多個國家,進而與眾多國家的法律制度發生聯系的國際保險業務,呈現復雜化的發展趨勢,國際保險法律關系不再當然地屬于某個法域管轄。 |
Along with the development of computer network technology , it becomes an important program how to use gis ( geographic information system ) to internet / intranet , that - is webgis . webgis implements query online and job process with gis based information publication , data share and intercommunion in internet and makes enterprise users access gis data by web viewer directly , create thematic map and analyze gis data . webgis changes gis technology ' s structure from c / s to b / s Webgis是指在internet的信息發布、數據共享、交流協作基礎之上實現gis的在線查詢和業務處理等功能,使企業用戶能直接通過web瀏覽器對gis數據進行訪問,實現空間數據和業務數據的檢索查詢、專題圖輸出、編輯修改等gis功能,完成了gis技術從c s模式向b s模式的轉變。 |
It brings great influence to our economy and society 3l1d makes economic sectors , distribution of interests and ideas pluralized , and makes social forces disseminated . the norn , al operation of the market economy needs a all - round iaw system and the founding of scientific macro - adjustment system . the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy system , destroys the stable social structure and intercommunion rnode of our country 它對我國的經濟、社會的構成產生了巨大影響,使我國社會出現了經濟成分多元化、利益分配多元化、思想觀念多元化和社會力量分散化的新趨勢;市場經濟的正常運轉要求必須有一個與之相適應的完備的法律體系,必須建立科學合理的國家宏觀調控體系。 |
The company aim at high efficiency in science research and technology innovation and pay great attention to communication and cooperation with customers at home and from abroad . we will do our best to cooperate with relevant enterprises at home and abroad in new products research and development , provide service in engineering design , equipment processing , products analyzing , inspecting and arrange abroad review and intercommunion 本公司力求科研高效技術創新,并非常重視對國內外客戶的溝通和協作,并竭誠與國內外相關企業合作,開展產品研究開發,提供工程設計設備加工產品分析檢驗等技術轉讓技術咨詢技術培訓組織出國考察交流等。 |
Mathematic method is applied in this paper to analyze , research and build up negotiation model and strategy of electronic commerce trade - off ; main task is to adopt operational research and probability theory to find a kind of effective information intercommunion law and establish a kind of automated negotiation mechanism 本文在理論上,運用數學方法分析研究、構建電子商務交易協商談判模型和協商策略;主要工作是運用運籌學和概率論的方法,尋找一種高效率的信息溝通規律,以建立一種自動協商談判機制。 |
The investigation and design process of classroom collaborative learning pattern based on network since the end of the twentieth century , it with the symbol of multimedia computer and net communication technology has got a broad application , which makes collaborative learning an important method . collaborative learning plays an important role in cultivating persons with innovation 、 collaboration and intercommunion 、 self - respect ability 進入20世紀90年代以后,以多媒體計算機和網絡通信技術為核心的信息技術在教育領域得到了廣泛的應用,使得協作學習越來越成為一種非常重要的學習方式,它對于培養具有創新能力、合作交流能力、自尊自強能力的人才具有重大意義。 |
Experimental system proved that this method is quite easy , so it can be run well on a normal pc to browse and show volume data , and gain good intercommunion . and practicability . but programming in this way is hard , it is quite difficult to draw a complicated tissue , this is its limitation 實驗系統證明這種基于等值面的體數據的重建繪制方法計算量較小,在性能并不高的微機上面也能實現體數據的瀏覽和繪制,并且交互性比較良好,具有一定的實用性;但是這種方法在編程上具有相當的復雜性,使得對具有復雜形體的組織的繪制具有一定的難度,這也是該方法的主要局限性。 |
And then , based on the analysis for the information intercommunion between workflow management system and pdm system , the system implementation technology is discussed . and the integration framework and the system architecture are brought forward , and applied to the 650pdm system . in this system , a workflow management system is successfully integrated 通過分析pdm系統與工作流程管理系統的信息交互,初步探討了工作流程管理系統在pdm系統中的實現技術,提出了工作流程管理系統與pdm系統的集成框架和體系結構,并應用于所開發的洪都集團650研究所的650pdm系統中,實現了工作流程管理系統與pdm系統的集成。 |
In the system all useful data can be sufficiency combined from all the applied system software which has been build , and made its served for yan “ an power supply bureau well succeed developed of the system , full - scale improved computer application skill in yan ' an power supply bureau , fast carry forward the course of the information which intercommunion in the enterprise 系統可以從已經建成的各個應用系統中提取數據,建成數據倉庫,進行多角度的關聯分析和方便的查詢,并更好的為延安供電局的生產、經營和管理服務。該系統的開發成功,全面地提高了延安供電局的計算機應用水平,快速推進了企業信息化進程,同時也為其他供電企業的信息化提供了借鑒。 |
Against the background of economic globalization , nations “ culture endowment “ differences , cultural shocks and pools , and customers “ individual psychological characteristics , culture endowment play a role by means of their international intercommunion , their sameness inclination , their wave development as well as their mutual substitutions , and in turn determine comparative advantage of international trade 在經濟全球化進程、文化稟賦差異、文化沖突與文化共享,以及消費者個體心理特征等背景條件下,一國文化稟賦通過文化稟賦國際互動、文化稟賦趨同、文化稟賦波浪式發展,以及文化稟賦替代等主要形式產生效應,進而決定該國國際貿易比較優勢。 |
With great expectation of knowing ms ' s technology and culture and , passion for ms club , 117 commissaries from mstcs of 30 national universities began the summer campus held by both microsoft research asia and national development and reform committee in beijing on aug . 22nd , 2005 . this summer campus was the 5th national students intercommunion staged by ms and also was the 1st activities cooperated with nation ministries and commissions 帶著對微軟尖端科技的向往,對優秀企業文化的憧憬和對俱樂部活動的熱情, 2005年8月22日,來自全國30所高校的117名微軟技術俱樂部學生代表匯聚北京,開始了由微軟亞洲研究院和國家發改委聯合舉辦的本次夏令營。 |
The fast development of it and its abroad application in enterprise ’ s management has changed the state of enterprise ’ s management making the enterprise ’ s information management from being based on the single computer to being based on the network . it ultimately enforces the intercommunion of the work group members , share resource , scientific compute , technology cooperation and effective management , improving the level of production , prosecution , management and scientific research It技術的迅速發展及其在企業管理中應用的普及,改變了整個企業管理的面貌,使企業的信息管理從以單個計算機為中心發展到以網絡為中心,從根本上加強并促進了群體工作成員之間的信息交流、資源共享、科學計算、技術合作及有效管理等,進而推動了生產、經營、管理及科研事業的發展。 |
That is , the knowledge frame of teacher is made up of eight parts : subject matter knowledge , curriculum knowledge , general pedagogical knowledge , pedagogical content knowledge , knowledge of learners , knowledge of self , knowledge of contexts and knowledge of educational ends and values . with regard to the sources of teacher knowledge , teachers “ “ teaching experience and rethinking of self and “ daily intercommunion with colleagues “ are the most important source teachers develop their teaching knowledge of self . “ the training on service “ and “ organized professional activities “ are more important source , but in comparison with above sources “ the experiences as a student “ , “ training beforce service “ and “ reading professional books and periodicals “ are less important sources 研究得到的主要結論是,提出并闡明了教師知識的理論框架結構模型,即教師的知識結構是由八個部分組成:學科內容知識、課程知識、一般性教學知識、學生知識、教師自身知識、教育情景知識、教育目的及價值知識和學科教學知識;在教師知識的來源上,教師“自身的教學經驗和反思”以及“和同事的日常交流”是他們發展自身教學知識的最重要的來源, “在職培訓”和“有組織的專業活動”也是比較重要的來源,但是相比之下, “作為學生時的經驗” 、 “職前培訓”和“閱讀專業書刊”則是最不重要的來源;在教師知識應用上,闡述教師知識和教師教學決定的關系;針對新課程的改革,以及教師知識的轉換,闡述課程設計與教師教育的有關問題:最后對教師知識的未來發展進行了展望。 |
So how to build up a parallel design environment inside and outside a distributed garment enterprise to realize garment structure graphics data sharing and intercommunion , moreover finally realizing cooperative work ; improving intelligentization of gsgcad system ; enhancing commercialization of the whole gcad , hereinbefore all are new challenges for technology and application of gsgcad system 因此,如何在分布服裝企業內部及外部構造一個異地并行設計環境,實現服裝結構圖形數據共享與交流,并最終實現協同設計;進一步提高服裝結構輔助設計系統的智能化程度,同時提高整個gcad系統的商業化程度,是服裝結構輔助設計系統的技術研究與應用的新挑戰。 |
As a principal of this project , i am responsible for whole technic work of this project , include intercommunion with foreign experts , fixing the last technology device and configuration of automation system , construction of contral system , software research and developing , making the whole system work effectively 我作為該項目的負責人,全面負責該項目的技術問題,包括與外方技術談判、完善并最終確定該項目的工藝及設備裝備、自動化網絡配置;最終自動化系統的構建、系統開通、軟件研究以軟件編程、系統投運。 |
It organizes the offender and the victim together in order to establish the intercommunion model between them , which sequentially creates a closer community relationship , through four processes including admitting the mistake , sharing and apprehending the harmful influence , managing to reach art agreement in compensation , and achieving the comprehension of the future behavior 它通過承認錯誤、分擔并理解有害的影響、在補償方面達成一致、就將來的行為構筑理解等四個步驟把犯罪人和受害人組識到一起,以便建立一個使犯罪人和受害人進入對話狀態的“模式” ,進而創造一個更加緊密的社區關系。 |
Then this paper designs the client / server / server frame which suit to this system , and uses the oracle8i database as the background database , oracle9i application server as the application server on mesosphere . in addition , this system achieves the connection between database and application server by jdbc , makes java server page as the exploitive tool . in this way , this paper establishes an experimentation e - business system that realizes intercommunion of the produce data in machine enterprise 接著,以client / server / server三層結構應用模式為基礎對企業的應用構架作了設計;以oracle8idatabase作為后臺數據庫; oracle9ias作為中間層的應用服務器;采用java的jdbc技術實現了應用服務器與數據庫服務器的連接;并以jsp作為系統前臺開發工具,建立起了一個面向機械制造企業生產數據交換的企業內部的實驗性質的電子商務平臺。 |
They are a new type of neural networks . generalized model server provides the sharing and access abilities to decision resources in network environment . the server unifies organization , management and running of generalized models ( model , algorithm , plan , knowledge , instance and so on ) , which provides intercommunion between different resources , supports the running of data mining algorithms , support synchronous access of clients system , and provides remote accessing mechanism by management language ( rml ) 廣義模型服務器實現了網絡環境下決策資源的共享和存取,它能夠對各種決策資源,如模型(包括數學模型、數據開采方法等) 、方案、知識、實例等,進行統一組織、管理和運行;支持多種決策資源之間的交互;支持多客戶的同時訪問;管理命令語言( rml )提供了遠程客戶訪問服務器的手段。 |
Job description : able to timely fulfil the task in terms of quantity and quality as per production schedule ; able to evaluate manufacturing capability of supplier ; drawings can be separated to competent suppliers and intercommunion in technology ; controling subcontracting costing and manufacture schedule ; negotiating subcontracting independently ; solving manufacture problems in fieldwork in supplier 職責說明:根據生產計劃按時按質按量完成外協任務;對供應商進行考察,劃分供應商的制造能力;將外發圖紙準確的發給恰當的供應商制造并進行技術交流;與供應商進行價格談判,控制外協成本和供應商的生產進度,解決供應商現場發生的問題。 |