
intercity adj.城市間的,市際的。 an intercity b...


The kcr provides commuter train service from kowloon through the new territories to the boundary with mainland china as well as long - distance intercity rail transport into mainland china 九廣鐵路是新界區的主要交通網絡,設有九廣東鐵九廣西鐵和輕便鐵路三個鐵路系統,提供快捷方便的客運服務。

“ east rail “ means the passenger service operated between hung hom station and lo wu station ( excluding the intercity through train service operated between hung hom station and mainland cities ) “東鐵”指行走紅?站和羅湖站之客運列車服務(不包括來往紅?站和中國大陸各城市之直通車服務) ;

East rail also operates intercity through train services from hong kong to the guangdong cities of guangzhou , dongguan , foshan and zhaoqing as well as to shanghai and beijing 東鐵并營辦往來香港與內地多個城市的直通車服務,目的地包括廣東省的廣州、東莞、佛山和中山,以及上海和北京。

The kowloon - canton railway corporation is a public corporation charged with the task of operating and developing domestic , cross - boundary and intercity railway services in a prudent commercial manner 九廣鐵路公司是一家公營機構,以審慎商業原則經營和發展本地、過境及城際鐵路服務。

It should be considered the comprehensive control center of beijing ? shanghai , shanghai ? nanjing intercity , shanghai ? hangzhou special passenger line , shanghai ? hangzhou intercity lines and other lines 應考慮是京滬、滬寧城際、滬杭客運專線、滬杭城際等線路的綜合調度中心。

Kcrc provides intercity passenger services between hong kong and the mainland with three through train routes , namely the beijing line , the shanghai line and the guangdong line 九廣鐵路公司提供往返香港與內地的城際客運服務,三條直通車線分別為北京線、上海線及廣東線。

The author especially says few words in the beginning of this article for chinese readers as well as the reference of the readers of this journal of intercity networking 作者特別針對華文讀者在論文前言說了一些有針對性的話,提供本刊城際網絡間的讀者參考。

Passengers are also welcome to book the tickets through the intercity tele - ticketing & enquiry hotline on 2947 7888 with credit cards for tickets to guangdong 為配合各售票點之開售時間,九廣鐵路之信用咭購票(只限廣東線)及查詢熱線服務時間(電話:

You may also dial our intercity passenger services hotline ( 852 ) 2947 7888 for information on purchasing tickets or to have information on our services faxed to you 乘客亦可致電城際客運服務熱線: ( 852 ) 29477888購票或查詢,或要求傳真有關服務資料。

Passengers are also welcome to book the tickets through the intercity tele - ticketing hotline at 2947 7888 with the use of credit cards for tickets to guangdong 為配合各售票點之開售時間,九廣鐵路之信用咭購票(只限廣東線)熱線服務時間(電話:

On august 25 governor shintaro ishihara took to the mound to throw the first pitch at the 77th intercity baseball tournament that opened in tokyo dome 8月25日第77屆都市棒球對抗賽在東京dome開賽,石原慎太郎知事站上了投手土臺并投出首球。

By means of this new intercity rail corridor , the journey time between guangzhou and hong kong would be reduced from 100 minutes to within one hour 經這條新的城市至城市鐵路通道,往來廣州與香港的行車時間將會由一百分鐘縮短至一小時以內。

These conditions shall apply to all categories of tickets for travel on the railways but shall not apply to light rail and intercity through trains 以下條件適用于所有類別的鐵路車票,惟不適用于輕鐵及城際直通車。

Uk ultraspeed is designed to link britain s major population centres with the world s most advanced intercity transport network Uk ultraspeed計劃將英國的大型人口聚居中心,與世界最先進的城際運輸網絡連接在一起。

There are extenuating circumstances why i was late ; the intercity train broke down and we had to wait more than an hour for a replacement 我的遲到情有可原:市際火車發生故障,結果我們只得等待一個多小時更換火車。

Analysis on the preparation of the holding 2003 5th intercity games in changsha in elevating the modernization progression and market - based operation 2003年五城會對推動長沙城市建設現代化水平及市場化運作的分析

Convenient interchanges will also be provided with the sha tin to central link , as well as intercity lines to the mainland 此外,并會設有方便的接駁設施,供乘客轉乘沙田至中環線,以及通往內地的城際鐵路線。

Separate “ conditions of travel “ also apply to the intercity through train service operated between hung hom station and mainland cities 有關行走紅?站和中國各城市的直通車服務有另外的乘搭直通車服務條件。

Besides , passengers can also purchase the tickets through the intercity tele - ticketing hotline on 2947 7888 with credit card 此外,乘客亦可透過九廣東鐵的城際客運熱線( 29477888 )預先訂票。