
intendment n.1.〔古語〕目的;目標;企圖。2.(法律的)含義。


The writer points out that the parents versus the tutelage of the minor children is a parental power . then according to the parental system of japan , germany , france etc , the writer expatiated the intendment , habit , contents of the parental power . the fourth part is the institutional study of guardian 作者指出父母對未成年子女的監護即是親權;接著根據日本、德國、法國等國家的親權制度闡述了親權的含義、特征、內容、停止、恢復和消滅;在我國,沒有采納親權的概念次母對子女的監護、其他近親屬對未成年人的監護、近親屬對精神病人的監護共同構成了我國的監護制度。

But the situation that keep is cast for employee in employer , the true volition that employer uses its advantage position very easily to violate employee reachs the agreement that appoints employer to be beneficiary beneficiary with its , violate the intendment of employee thereby and encroach its legal interest 但在雇主為雇員投保的場合,雇主很輕易利用其優勢地位違反雇員的真實意志與其達成指定雇主為受益人的協議,從而違反雇員的真意并侵犯其合法利益。

It is a profound reformation , and a critical systemically project as well , so , national entrepreneur should master the real signification and abundant content of the modern enterprise system , catch its intendment , basic feature and complicate form 而建立現代企業制度本身是一項開創性的工作,也是一項牽一發而動全身的系統工程,這就要求我們正確理解現代企業制度的真正含義和豐富內容,弄清現代企業制度的含義、基本特征及其復雜多樣的形式。

The first part is an institutional intendment in tutelage 第一部分為監護制度的意義。