
intemperate adj.1.無節制的,放縱的;過度的,激烈的。2.喝酒過...


Mr putin ' s intemperate rhetoric is no help , but on one thing he is right : america and russia have serious issues to talk about 普京的過分言辭于事無補,但有一點他卻是正確的:美國與俄羅斯的確有許多嚴肅的問題有待磋商。

His attack on traditional family life was so intemperate that everything they most valued seemed trampled on 他對傳統家庭生活的攻擊是如此激烈,以至于他們所珍視的一切似乎都遭到了踐踏。

Intemperate in the pursuit of pleasure ; dissolute 放蕩的,浪蕩的無節制地追尋歡樂;浪蕩的

I wrote a decidedly intemperate journal entry on byron's thunderbolt visit and its miserable outcome . 我曾以非常激烈的措詞寫下一篇日記,記敘拜倫的突然來訪,以及它的可悲結局。

He was immediately led from the arena, and was warmly rebuked for his intemperate haste . 他立刻被帶出場,由于他暴烈性子他受到狠狠的訓斥。

Many people felt threatened by arther's forceful, sometimes intemperate style . 很多人都覺得阿瑟的強硬的、有時過激的作風咄咄逼人。

The style was hurried, the tone intemperate . 匆促的筆調,放縱的語氣。